Administrator Manual


Composer Mode

It is highly recommended to install this extension by using composer. This is the only supported way.

Please run the following commands in your webroot where the TYPO3 composer.json is located:

  1. Fetch Kitodo.Presentation with Composer

    composer require kitodo/presentation:^3.2
  2. Install and Activate the Extension

    ./vendor/typo3 extension:activate dlf

Classic Mode

However, there are two options to install the required packages solarium/solarium and symfony/event-dispatcher in non-composer mode:

  1. Run the command composer update within the directory of the extension. All required packages are downloaded automatically to the vendor subdirectory.
  2. Download the required packages manually to vendor/solarium/solarium and vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher. Please check the require sections in composer.json of the extension, solarium and event-dispatcher to download and install matching versions.

After the installation of the packages in non-composer mode you have to deactivate and (re-)activate the extension in the extension manager to trigger the TYPO3 autoloader to rebuild the classmap.