Common practise

From project to project you probably use the same settings related to EXT:flogin. This page collects all the common settings and practices that will simplify some things.

Page Tree

For every project that uses authentication based on EXT:flogin we usually create a page tree that contains mostly all of the pages which build a nice user experience.


Page Tree of the EXT:flogin related pages.

TypoScript Setup

Either way, we need to initialize certain variables to make the extension work. Usually, we copy this example configuration and place inside the theme extension.

Use it, just replace with your actual variables.

plugin.tx_routes.settings.redirect.loginPage = 2

plugin.tx_flogin.settings {
    page.login = 2

    oneTimeAccount {
        lifetimeInMinutes = 60
        properties.usergroup = 1,2

    redirect {
        afterLoginPage = 5
        afterLogoutPage = 12
        afterUnlockedPage = 16
        alreadyAuthenticatedPage = 425
        afterMagicLinkNotificationSentPage = 14
        afterResetPasswordFormSubmittedPage = 11
        afterForgotPasswordNotificationSentPage = 7

        error {
            whenLockedPage = 15
            whenTokenExpiredPage = 9
            whenTokenNotFoundPage = 10
            whenOneTimeAccountHashNotFoundPage = 426

    throttling {
        maxAttempts = 5
        decayMinutes = 1
        lockIntervalInMinutes = 10

    email {
        site =
        logoPath = EXT:myext/Resources/Public/Icons/Logo.svg

        magicLink.linkLifetimeInMinutes = 6
        passwordResetRequest.linkLifetimeInMinutes = 5
        login.disabled = 0


Clean up

We highly recommend to use scheduler tasks in your project to clean all junk from time to time.


Scheduler tasks related to EXT:flogin.

Handle translations

In situations when you need to overwrite the default language labels, you can use this TypoScript snippets in your theme extension.

plugin.tx_flogin._LOCAL_LANG {

    ###### LOGIN FORM ######

    # Username
    default.username.label       = Username
    default.username.placeholder = Input your username...

    # Password
    default.password.label       = Password
    default.password.placeholder = Input your password...

    # Remember me checkbox
    default.remember.label = Remember me

    # Forgot link = Forgot password ?

    # Magic link = Magic link?

    # Submit button
    default.form_login.submit = Login

    # Logout button
    default.form_login.logout = Logout

    #### CHANGE PASSWORD ###

    # New password input              = New password

    # Confirm new password input
    default.password.new_confirmation.label = Confirm new password

    # Submit button
    default.form_reset.submit = Change password


    # Submit button
    default.form_forgot.submit = Send the link


    # Submit button
    default.form_magic.submit = Send magic link

    ###### VALIDATION ######

    # Login Form
    default.username.locked                 = User has been locked
    default.username.not_found              = Provided username is not found.
    default.password.not_match              = Password is invalid
    default.login.limit_reached             = Too much request! Please wait for %s minutes

    # Magic link | Forgot password                 = This email address is not connected to any user in our system.

    # Magic link
    default.user.already_logged_in          = User is already authenticated

    # Reset Password
    default.password_confirmation.not_match = Confirmation password does not match

    ######## COMMON ########

    # Email (request magic link, forgot password request)                = Email address          = Input your email address...

    # Async login form
    default.ajax.loading               = Loading...
    default.ajax.redirect              = Redirecting...
    default.ajax.notification_sent     = Notification has been sent successfully.

    # Backend module
    default.temporary_account.generate = Generate temporary account

For other languages just replace the default with actual key. ( Like de ).