
  1. Respect .yaml format for root file

    In previous versions of the extension it was possible to use only yml file extension for your Routes root file. From now on it’s possible to use both Routes.yml and Routes.yaml as well.

  2. Restore session middleware

    Starting from TYPO3 10.4.10 sessions hashing has been changed and due to this VerifyCsrfToken and VerifyAdminBackendSession middleware were broken. We fixed that problem and now should work as before.

  3. Custom name for root file

    Some of you have asked about having an option to use custom name for root Routes file. As a default we still keep Routes But now you also have an option to change it.

    // Default
    $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['routes']['routesFileName'] = 'Routes';
    // You can change to any name...
    $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['routes']['routesFileName'] = 'ApiRoutes';
  4. Custom paths

    For example, you have an extension blog and wanna use api routes. Now it’s possible to put your routes file anywhere you want inside your extension, but you need to add that custom path.

    $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['routes']['additionalPathList'] = [
        999 => '/var/www/html/public/typo3conf/ext/blog/Configuration/API/Endpoints.yaml'
  5. Plugin with multiple controllers

    Thanks to Devid Messner now you guys are able to user one plugin with more than one controller inside. Might by handy.


  6. Add extra information to composer.json

    Thanks to p2 media GmbH & Co. KG we follow latest community guidelines.


  7. Minimum version of the TYPO3 core was raised to 10.4.15

  8. Axios raised to 0.21.1