1.x.x to 2.x.x¶
Add new route enhancer in your site configuration.
routeEnhancers: ApplyRoutesCollection: type: Routes
Add plugin name to all your route definition ( if it’s not there ).
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demo_photos-all: path: api/demo/photos controller: LMS\Demo\Controller\PhotoApiController::all defaults: plugin: PhotoApi
Before 2.x, plugin was discovered by extension itself. Since TYPO3 v10 this does not work anymore.
Replace $_EXTKEY by extension name itself.
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// Now... \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin( 'LMS.demo', '', [], [] );
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// Before... \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin( 'LMS.' . $_EXTKEY, '', [], [] );