Check it!

You can check your configuration with

  • Modul System > Configuration

Clear Cache

Please clear the TYPO3 backend cache.


  • Modul System > Configuration: [$GLOBALS[‘TCA’]]


Your appartment table must have some columns like:

  • yourtable.columns.immo24*


Your appartment table must have the new ctrl property immo24 like:

  • yourtable.ctrl.immo24

Your file structure

This should be a cutout of the file structure of your extenion, if your extension is called “yourextension”. tree
├── Configuration
│   └── TCA
│       └── Overrides
│           ├── yourextension
│           │   ├── columns.php
│           │   └── mapping.php
│           └── yourextension.php
├── ext_tables.sql
└── Resources
    └── Private
        └── Language
            ├── de.yourextension.xlf
            └── yourextension.xlf