Constant Editor with SCSS properties

Constant Editor with SCSS properties

Constant Editor

If you like to adapt CSS to your needs, you don't must edit CSS or SCSS directly.

You can configure most of the common properties by the TypoScript Constant Editor (see illustration above). You can use CSS values like '#00FFFF' or SCSS variables like '$primary-color'.

These features have SCSS properties by the Constant Editor:

  • accordion

  • body

  • breadcrumbs

  • breakpoint

  • button

  • callout

  • color palette

  • dropdown-menu

  • footer

  • global

  • menu

  • megamenu

  • metamenu

  • off-canvas

  • orbit

  • pagination

  • reveal

  • sidebar

  • sitelinetop

  • table

  • tabs

  • titlebar

  • top-bar

  • typografy