

Using hooks requires in-depth knowledge of PHP classes, implementation of interfaces and seminars object internals.

Hooks allow extending the functionality of seminars without using XCLASSes. There are hooks for these parts of seminars:

Please contact us if you need additional hooks.


seminars is undergoing a major rewriting to keep up with modern TYPO3 programming techniques. We try to keep changes as small as possible. Please inform yourself about changes by reading CHANGELOG.md, the DocBlocks of interfaces you implement and this chapter of the documentation before updating to a new seminars major version.

Hooks for the single view

There is a hook into the single view. It is executed just before the template gets rendered to HTML. You may set custom markers or change existing values for markers. See also Classes/Frontend/DefaultController.php for available properties and methods.

Register your class that implements \OliverKlee\Seminars\Hooks\Interfaces\SeminarSingleView like this in ext_localconf.php of your extension:

    = \Tx_Seminarspaypal_Hooks_EventSingleView::class;

Implement the methods required by the interface:

use OliverKlee\Seminars\Hooks\Interfaces\SeminarSingleView;

class Tx_Seminarspaypal_Hooks_SingleView implements SeminarSingleView
     * Modifies the seminar details view.
     * This function will be called for all types of seminars (single events, topics, and dates).
     * @param DefaultController $controller the calling controller
    public function modifySingleView(DefaultController $controller): void
        // Your code here

Hooks for the list view

There are 4 hooks into the list view(s). First hook is called just before the seminar bag (the seminars to show in the list) or the registration bag (the seminars a user is registered for) is build. It is always called, even when there will be an empty list.

The other hooks are called during seminar list table creation:

  • just before the table header is rendered to HTML

  • just before a table row for a certain seminar or registration is rendered to HTML

  • in case of a my_event list: right after the row hook mentioned above

  • just before the table footer is rendered to HTML

In these hooks you may set custom markers or change existing values for markers. See also Classes/Frontend/DefaultController.php for available properties and methods.

The hook to the seminar or registration bag building process allows for changing the seminars/registrations shown in the list. You may add more filters or remove existing ones. See also Classes/BagBuilder/AbstractBagBuilder.php, Classes/BagBuilder/EventBagBuilder.php and Classes/BagBuilder/Registration.php for available properties and methods.

There are 7 types of lists your implementation must handle:

  • topic list (topic_list)

  • seminar list (seminar_list)

  • my seminars (my_events)

  • my VIP seminars (my_vip_events)

  • events next day (events_next_day)

  • other dates (other_dates)

The last two list types (events next day and other dates) are part of the single view, but handled as fully rendered seminar lists (including bag building).

Register your class that implements \OliverKlee\Seminars\Hooks\Interfaces\SeminarListView like this in ext_localconf.php of your extension:

    = \Tx_Seminarspaypal_Hooks_ListView::class;

Implement the methods required by the interface:

use OliverKlee\Seminars\Hooks\Interfaces\SeminarListView;

class Tx_Seminarspaypal_Hooks_ListView implements SeminarListView
     * Modifies the list view seminar bag builder (the item collection for a seminar list).
     * Add or alter limitations for the selection of seminars to be shown in the
     * list.
     * @see AbstractBagBuilder::getWhereClausePart()
     * @see AbstractBagBuilder::setWhereClausePart()
     * This function will be called for these types of seminar lists: "topics", "seminars",
     * "my vip seminars", "my entered events", "events next day", "other dates".
     * @param DefaultController $controller the calling controller
     * @param EventBagBuilder $builder the bag builder
     * @param string $whatToDisplay the flavor of list view: 'seminar_list', 'topic_list',
     *        'my_vip_events', 'events_next_day' or 'other_dates'
    public function modifyEventBagBuilder(
        DefaultController $controller,
        EventBagBuilder $builder,
        string $whatToDisplay
    ): void {
        // Your code here

     * Modifies the list view registration bag builder (the item collection for a "my events" list).
     * Add or alter limitations for the selection of seminars to be shown in the
     * list.
     * @see AbstractBagBuilder::getWhereClausePart()
     * @see AbstractBagBuilder::setWhereClausePart()
     * This function will be called for "my events" lists only.
     * @param DefaultController $controller the calling controller
     * @param RegistrationBagBuilder $builder the bag builder
     * @param string $whatToDisplay the flavor of list view ('my_events' only?)
    public function modifyRegistrationBagBuilder(
        DefaultController $controller,
        RegistrationBagBuilder $builder,
        string $whatToDisplay
    ): void {
        // Your code here

     * Modifies the list view header row in a seminar list.
     * This function will be called for all types of seminar lists ("topics",
     * "seminars", "my seminars", "my vip seminars", "my entered events",
     * "events next day", "other dates").
     * @param DefaultController $controller the calling controller
    public function modifyListHeader(DefaultController $controller): void
        // Your code here

     * Modifies a list row in a seminar list.
     * This function will be called for all types of seminar lists ("topics",
     * "seminars", "my seminars", "my vip seminars", "my entered events",
     * "events next day", "other dates").
     * @param DefaultController $controller the calling controller
    public function modifyListRow(DefaultController $controller): void
        // Your code here

     * Modifies a list view row in a "my seminars" list.
     * This function will be called for "my seminars" , "my vip seminars",
     * "my entered events" lists only.
     * @param DefaultController $controller the calling controller
    public function modifyMyEventsListRow(DefaultController $controller): void
        // Your code here

     * Modifies the list view footer in a seminars list.
     * This function will be called for all types of seminar lists ("topics",
     * "seminars", "my seminars", "my vip seminars", "my entered events",
     * "events next day", "other dates").
     * @param DefaultController $controller the calling controller
    public function modifyListFooter(DefaultController $controller): void
        // Your code here

Hooks for the selector widget

There is a hook into the selector widget of the list view. If the selector widget is activated, the hook is executed just before the template gets rendered to HTML. You may set custom markers or change existing values for markers. See also Classes/Frontend/SelectorWidget.php for available properties and methods.

Register your class that implements \OliverKlee\Seminars\Hooks\Interfaces\SeminarSelectorWidget like this in ext_localconf.php of your extension:

    = \Tx_Seminarspaypal_Hooks_EventSelectorWidget::class;

Implement the methods required by the interface:

use OliverKlee\Seminars\Hooks\Interfaces\SeminarSelectorWidget;

class Tx_Seminarspaypal_Hooks_EventSelectorWidget implements SeminarSelectorWidget
     * Modifies the seminar widget, just before the subpart is fetched.
     * This function will be called for all types of seminar lists, if `displaySearchFormFields` is configured for it.
     * @param SelectorWidget $selectorWidget
     * @param EventBag $seminarBag the seminars used to create the selector widget
    public function modifySelectorWidget(
        SelectorWidget $selectorWidget,
        EventBag $seminarBag
    ): void {
        // Your code here

Hooks for the registration notification emails

There are the following hooks into the registration notification emails:

  • just before the attendee notification template is rendered to plain text

  • just before the attendee notification template is rendered to HTML

  • just before the attendee notification is sent

  • just before the organizer notification is sent

  • just before the additional organizer notifications are sent

You may set custom markers or change existing values for markers in the template hooks. See also Classes/Model/Registration.php for available properties and methods. The plain text hook is always called, because a HTML email always contains a plain text version, too. The HTML hook is called only if emails are sent as HTML.

With the other hooks you may modify the complete MailMessage object (e.g. sender or receiver addresses, subject line or the complete body). See also sysext/core/Classes/Mail/MailMessage.php for available properties and methods.

Register your class that implements \OliverKlee\Seminars\Hooks\Interfaces\RegistrationEmail like this in ext_localconf.php of your extension:

    = \Tx_Seminarspaypal_Hooks_RegistrationEmail::class;

Implement the methods required by the interface:

use OliverKlee\Seminars\Hooks\Interfaces\RegistrationEmail;

class Tx_Seminarspaypal_Hooks_RegistrationEmail implements RegistrationEmail
     * Modifies the attendee "Thank you" email just before it is sent.
     * You may modify the recipient or the sender as well as the subject and the body of the email.
     * @param string $emailReason Possible values:
     *          - confirmation
     *          - confirmationOnUnregistration
     *          - confirmationOnRegistrationForQueue
     *          - confirmationOnQueueUpdate
    public function modifyAttendeeEmail(
        MailMessage $email,
        Registration $registration,
        string $emailReason
    ): void {
        // Your code here

     * Modifies the attendee "Thank you" email body just before the subpart is rendered to plain text.
     * This method is called for every confirmation email, even if HTML emails are configured.
     * The body of a HTML email always contains a plain text version, too.
     * You may modify or set marker values in the template.
     * @param Registration $registration
     * @param string $emailReason Possible values:
     *          - confirmation
     *          - confirmationOnUnregistration
     *          - confirmationOnRegistrationForQueue
     *          - confirmationOnQueueUpdate
    public function modifyAttendeeEmailBodyPlainText(
        Template $emailTemplate,
        Registration $registration,
        string $emailReason
    ): void {
        // Your code here

     * Modifies the attendee "Thank you" email body just before the subpart is rendered to HTML.
     * This method is called only, if HTML emails are configured for confirmation emails.
     * You may modify or set marker values in the template.
     * @param Registration $registration
     * @param string $emailReason Possible values:
     *          - confirmation
     *          - confirmationOnUnregistration
     *          - confirmationOnRegistrationForQueue
     *          - confirmationOnQueueUpdate
    public function modifyAttendeeEmailBodyHtml(
        Template $emailTemplate,
        Registration $registration,
        string $emailReason
    ): void {
        // Your code here

     * Modifies the organizer notification email just before it is sent.
     * You may modify the recipient or the sender as well as the subject and the body of the email.
     * @param string $emailReason Possible values:
     *        - notification
     *        - notificationOnUnregistration
     *        - notificationOnRegistrationForQueue
     *        - notificationOnQueueUpdate
    public function modifyOrganizerEmail(
        MailMessage $email,
        Registration $registration,
        string $emailReason
    ): void {
        // Your code here

     * Modifies the organizer additional notification email just before it is sent.
     * You may modify the recipient or the sender as well as the subject and the body of the email.
     * @param string $emailReason Possible values:
     *          - 'EnoughRegistrations' if the event has enough attendances
     *          - 'IsFull' if the event is fully booked
     *          see RegistrationManager::getReasonForNotification()
    public function modifyAdditionalEmail(
        MailMessage $email,
        Registration $registration,
        string $emailReason
    ): void {
        // Your code here

Hooks for the salutation in all e-mails to the attendees

It is also possible to extend the salutation used in the e-mails with the following hook:

  • modifySalutation for tx_seminars_EmailSaluation which is called just before the salutation is returned by getSalutation

To use this hook, you need to create a class with a method named modifySalutation. The method in your class should expect two parameters. The first one is a reference to an array with the following structure:

array('dear' => String, 'title' => String, 'name' => String)

The second parameter is an user object FrontEndUser.

Your class then needs to be included and registered like in this example:

// register my hook objects
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['seminars']['modifyEmailSalutation'][] = \MyVendor\MyExt\Hooks\ModifySalutationHook::class;

Hooks for the date and time span creation

There are hooks into the date and time span creation of the seminars. If at any place a date or time span is required, these hooks are called to allow modification of the date or time span assembling. See also Classes/OldModel/AbstractTimeSpan.php for details about the default methods.

Register your class that implements \OliverKlee\Seminars\Hooks\Interfaces\DateTimeSpan like this in ext_localconf.php of your extension:

    = \Tx_Seminarspaypal_Hooks_DateTimeSpan::class;

Implement the methods required by the interface:

use OliverKlee\Seminars\Hooks\Interfaces\DateTimeSpan;

class Tx_Seminarspaypal_Hooks_DateTimeSpan implements DateTimeSpan
     * Modifies the date span string.
     * This allows modifying the assembly of start and end date to the date span.
     * E.g., for Hungarian: '01.-03.01.2019' -> '2019.01.01.-03.'.
     * The date format for the date parts are configured in TypoScript (`dateFormatYMD` etc.).
     * Get them from `$dateTimeSpan->getConfValueString('dateFormatYMD')` etc. The event
     * dates are also retrievable:
     * `$beginDateTime = $dateTimeSpan->getBeginDateAsTimestamp();`
     * `$endDateTime = $dateTimeSpan->getEndDateAsTimestamp();`
     * @param string $dateSpan the date span produced by `AbstractTimeSpan::getDate()`
     * @param AbstractTimeSpan $dateTimeSpan the date provider
     * @param string $dash the glue used by `AbstractTimeSpan::getDate()` (may be HTML encoded)
     * @return string the modified date span to use
    public function modifyDateSpan(
        string $dateSpan,
        AbstractTimeSpan $dateTimeSpan,
        string $dash
    ): string
        // Your code here

     * Modifies the time span string.
     * This allows modifying the assembly of start and end time to the time span.
     * E.g., for Hungarian: '9:00-10:30' -> '9:00tol 10:30ban'.
     * The time format for the time parts is configured in TypoScript (`timeFormat`).
     * Get it from `$dateTimeSpan->getConfValueString('timeFormat')`. The event
     * times are also retrievable:
     * `$beginDateTime = $dateTimeSpan->getBeginDateAsTimestamp();`
     * `$endDateTime = $dateTimeSpan->getEndDateAsTimestamp();`
     * @param string $timeSpan the time span produced by `AbstractTimeSpan::getTime()`
     * @param AbstractTimeSpan $dateTimeSpan the date provider
     * @param string $dash the glue used by `AbstractTimeSpan::getTime()` (may be HTML encoded)
     * @return string the modified time span to use
    public function modifyTimeSpan(
        string $timeSpan,
        AbstractTimeSpan $dateTimeSpan,
        string $dash
    ): string
        // Your code here

Hooks for the e-mails sent from the back-end module

The hook classes need to be registered and written like this:

    = \tx_seminarspaypal_Hooks_BackEndModule::class;

It's used like this:

class BackEndModuleHook implements BackEndModule {
     * Modifies the general e-mail sent via the back-end module.
     * Note: This hook does not get called yet. It is just here so the interface
     * is finalized.
     * @param Registration $registration
     *        the registration to which the e-mail refers
     public function modifyGeneralEmail(Registration $registration, MailMessage $eMail): void {}

Hooks for the CSV generation of registration lists

There is a hook into the CSV generation of registration lists to modify the generated CSV text.

Register your class that implements \OliverKlee\Seminars\Hooks\Interfaces\RegistrationListCsv like this in ext_localconf.php of your extension:

    = \Tx_Seminarspaypal_Hooks_RegistrationListCsv::class;

Implement the methods required by the interface:

use OliverKlee\Seminars\Hooks\Interfaces\RegistrationListCsv;

class Tx_Seminarspaypal_Hooks_RegistrationListCsv implements RegistrationListCsv
     * Modifies the rendered CSV string.
     * This allows modifying the complete CSV text right before it is delivered.
     * @param string $csv the CSV text produced by `AbstractRegistrationListView::render()`
     * @param AbstractRegistrationListView $registrationList the CSV data provider
     * @return string the modified CSV text to use
    public function modifyCsv(string $csv, AbstractRegistrationListView $registrationList): string
        // Your code here

Hooks for the data sanitization on TCE validation

There is a hook into the data handler to additionaly manipulate seminars FlexForm data during TCE validation (just before storing the data). You may apply additional constraints and dynamically adjust values (e.g. registration deadline = begin date - 14 days).

TCE validation is a TYPO3-defined process. seminars gets the form values from the content element's FlexForm and stores required changes of the values into the database.

Register your class that implements \OliverKlee\Seminars\Hooks\Interfaces\DataSanitization like this in ext_localconf.php of your extension:

    = \Tx_Seminarspaypal_Hooks_DataSanitization::class;

Implement the methods required by the interface:

use OliverKlee\Seminars\Hooks\Interfaces\DataSanitization;

class Tx_Seminarspaypal_Hooks_DataSanitization implements DataSanitization
     * Sanitizes event data values.
     * The TCE form event values need to be sanitized when storing them into the
     * database. Check the values with additional constraints and provide the modified
     * values to use back in a returned array.
     * @param int $uid
     * @param mixed[] $data the events data as stored in database
     * @return mixed[] the data to change, [] for no changes
    public function sanitizeEventData(int $uid, array $data): array
        // Your code here