Managing registrations

Registration for an event is possible until the registration deadline. If the event has no such deadline, registration is possible until the start of the event.

When a logged-in front-end user registers for a seminar, the following happens:

  1. It is checked whether it still is possible to register for that seminar and the user still hasn't registered for that seminar yet. Note: If you need to allow the same front-end user to register for the same event multiple times, you can allow this in the event record.

  2. In addition, the user can select a price, food options and other options. The total price then is calculated from the selected price and the number of seats.

  3. An attendance record is entered into the database (into the page configured via plugin.tx_seminars.attendancesPID or, if the first organizer for that event has a system folder for registrations configured, in that page), making the connection between this front- end user and the corresponding seminar. The statistics for that seminar are immediately updated in the back end and front end, preventing overbooked seminars.

  4. A thank-you e-mail is sent to the front-end user using the first organizer of that seminar record as From: address and that organizer's e-mail footer. The thank-you e-mail also has a disclaimer if the event is planned and not confirmed yet. The disclaimer, says that the user will be informed if this event will be confirmed.

  5. A notification e-mail is sent to that seminar's organizers (all of them, not just the first), using the attendee's e-mail address as From: address.

  6. Additional notification e-mails are sent if the event reaches the minimum limit of registrations to be held, or if the event gets fully booked. These notifications go to all organizers of this event, the first organizer's e-mail address is used as sender.These mails will only be sent, if they are activated in the TypoScript setup. By default, the mails will be sent.

  7. The user will be redirected to the thank-you page.

  8. The booked event will be visible on the “my events” page.

From the “my events” page the user has the possibility to unregister from an event. When a user unregisters the corresponding attendances record will be marked as hidden.

Displaying the seminar and registration statistics and details

In the **back-end module “Events”, you can

  • list and edit events

  • export events as CSV

  • display the registrations for an event

  • export the registrations for an event as CSV

  • send an e-mail to the attendees of an event

CSV export of events

At the top in the event list in the back-end module Events , you’ll find a button labelled "Download as CSV file" that will save the data of all events on the current page as CSV.

CSV export of registrations

At the top in the registration list for an event in the back-end module Events, you’ll find a button labelled "Download as CSV file" that will save the data of all registrations of the selected event as CSV, also including data from the registered FE user. Please note that the CSV file contains the columns for the data from the registration records first and then data from the corresponding FE user record.

The columns used for the export of registrations is determined by the two configuration variables fieldsFromFeUserForCsv and fieldsFromAttendanceForCsv. If you want to export the registrations on the waiting queue, you have to set showAttendancesOnRegistrationQueueInCSV to true.

The CSV export can be configured via TS Setup in plugin.tx_seminars for the page where the event records are located. Please see the reference for details.

CSV export of registrations is only available if:

  • the event has at least one registration, and

  • the logged-in BE user has read access to the events table and the registrations table, and

  • the logged-in BE user has read access to all pages where the registrations for that particular event are stored

Changing registrations

You can edit registration records using Web > List as well as the back-end module Events.

Unregistering from an event

Front-end users can unregister themselves from an event using the “my events” view if they are logged in and all of the following conditions are met:

  1. The event has an unregistration deadline set (or a global unregistration deadline has been set), and the deadline has not passed yet.

  2. There are registrations on the waiting list, or the extension is configured to allow unregistration even if the waiting list is empty.

Entering payments

You can also use this extension to record payments from participants for their seminar. If you have received a payment (be in in cash, bank transfer, credit card or whatever), edit the corresponding registration record and fill in the following fields:

  • Has paid: Note that this field will go away soon. Instead, if someone has paid will be deducted by whether a payment date has been entered. So make sure to set a payment date for all attendances that have been paid.

  • Date of payment (if this field is set, an attendance is considered as paid, so always enter the date when you enter a payment)

  • Method of payment (optional, use it if you like to track this)

Tracking who has attended a seminar and who hasn't

If you want to record who has attended a seminar and who hasn't (e.g., for certificates), you can edit the corresponding registration record and fill in this field:

  • Has attended