It is not recommended to use this extension on productive systems. If you do make sure you have a current database backup and no editors working on your page.
After installation you need to include the TypoScript template in your root pages template.
TYPO3 11, composer-based
In a current composer-based TYPO3 installation you can install this extension like this:
composer req sbublies/gridtocontainer
The extension will be automatically activated.
TYPO3 10 and below, composer-based
If you are using TYPO3 version 9 or 10 require the fitting version:
composer req sbublies/gridtocontainer:"^10.4"
And activate the extension in Admin Tools > Extension Manager.
Legacy TYPO3 installations without composer
Download gridtocontainer from the TER (TYPO3 Extension Repository)
Upload it in Admin Tools > Extension Manager and activate it there.
Next steps
Have a look at the Quick start.