
This covers extending Broken Link Fixer via an extension.


Override ExternalLinktype

We override the ExternalLinktype class to make some changes in how external link types are checked:

  1. a specific error type is not treated as error

  2. some specific domains are not checked

use Myvendor\MyExtension\Linktype\MyExternalLinktype;

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['brofix']['checkLinks']['external'] = MyExternalLinktype::class;

namespace Myvendor\MyExtension\Linktype;

use Sypets\Brofix\Linktype\ErrorParams;
use Sypets\Brofix\Linktype\ExternalLinktype;

class ExternalUniolLinktype extends ExternalLinktype
      public function checkLink(string $origUrl, array $softRefEntry, int $flags = 0): bool
            // do some checking here, if $origUrl should get checked ..

            $isValidUrl = parent::checkLink($origUrl, $softRefEntry, $this->flags);
            if (!$isValidUrl) {
               $exceptionMsg = $this->errorParams->getExceptionMsg();
               // highly probably certificate chain issue, which should be treated as edge case false positive
               // curl(60): 'SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate'
               if ($exceptionMsg === 'SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate') {
                   return true;
           return $isValidUrl;