Setup quickstart

  1. Setup Minimal configuration

    Also see the Configuration Reference, for more configuration options

  2. Check mail sending

    If an email should be sent on every link check performed via the console command, it is a good idea to check if email sending is setup correctly and works. (Sending a mail is optional).

    Go to Environment > Test Mail Setup

  3. Setup the console command brofix:checkLinks

Minimal configuration

Page TSconfig

# email recipients
mod.brofix.mail.recipients =

# Add contact information here, such as an email address or a URL which contains an email address
mod.brofix.linktypesConfig.external.headers.User-Agent =  Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Site link checker; +

# pid of a page of type folder - this is where the exclude link target
# records are stored
mod.brofix.excludeLinkTarget.storagePid = 20