
In order to show the banner add a new content element of the type Cookie Banner in the the content area of a page that is going to be inherited by its subpages (usually the footer in the home page):


Fill up the fields with the desired values:






Used to display general info about the cookie banner

Position of the banner

To specify where the cookie banner is to be displayed in the frontend

Button text

Button text

Privacy text

This text will be shown as a link of the link provided in the field Privacy Link

Privacy link

Link to the page with the privacy content

Show Edit cookie settings button

If checked a button will be shown on the footer of the page, cliking on it will show the cookie banner wuth it has been dismissed

In order to insert a Google map (or any other code) that will be handled by the extension add a new content of the type Cookie Consent Html Wrapper:


Fill up the fields with the desired values:





Show wrapper if cookie consent is given fot it

The group of cookies that have to be accepted to render the content

HTML-Code (e.g. iframe)

The code to be rendered

Placeholder image (if cookies are not accepted)

The image to be used as a placeholder