Configuration with Google


This example contains the callback URLs which are required for TYPO3 v11.

Adding the OAuth2 app in Google

  • Login to Google Developers Console (

  • (Create a project if you have not done so already)

  • Click "Credentials" > "Create Credentials"

    • Choose "Application type" > "Web Application"

    • Enter a name for your application

    • Add the redirect URIs (for backend logins):

      • https://<your-TYPO3-installation>/typo3/login?loginProvider=1616569531&oauth2-provider=google&login_status=login&commandLI=attempt

      • https://<your-TYPO3-installation>/typo3/oauth2/callback/handle?oauth2-provider=google&action=callback

    • Add the redirect URIs (for frontend):

      • https://<your-TYPO3-installation>/<callback-slug>?oauth2-provider=google&tx_oauth2client%5Baction%5D=verify

      • https://<your-TYPO3-installation>/<callback-slug>?oauth2-provider=google&logintype=login

  • Save the application

  • Copy the client secret and client id

TYPO3 OAuth2 Google App Configuration

Adding the OAuth2 Google app in TYPO3


Please use composer to install the Github provider: composer require "league/oauth2-google:^4.0". If you did not install the specific provider, you can still use the GenericProvider - however, you will need to add the URL configuration yourself.

Add the following configuration to your AdditionalConfiguration.php:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['oauth2_client'] = [
    'providers' => [
        'google' => [
            'label' => 'Google',
            'iconIdentifier' => 'oauth2-google',
            'description' => 'Login with your Google user account.',
            'implementationClassName' => \League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Google::class,
            'scopes' => [
            'options' => [
                'clientId' => '<client-id>',
                'clientSecret' => '<client-secret>',

Registering the icon (optional)

If you want to use a custom icon, in your site package Configuration/Icons.php register the icon like this:

   return [
       'oauth2-google' => [
           'provider' => \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\IconProvider\FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
           'name' => 'google',

If you want to use the default icon instead, remove the iconIdentifier from the configuration.