
Open the extension in the SAV Library Kickstarter and select SAV Example6 – Email and RTF in the New Database Tables, then select the Input folder. As it can be seen, only the fields email_flag, email_language and invoice have special configurations.

Field email_flag

The field email_flag is associated with the email generation. Let us analyze its configuration shown below. Do not forget to use the Context Sensitive Help to get information about the field type attributes and to click on the sav_library_plus / general attributes.

  • fusion = begin;. This attribute is used with fusion = end; in the field email_language to have both fields aligned.
  • mail = 1;. It tells that an email is associated with the field.
  • fieldForCheckMail = email;. The email will be sent only if the field email is not null.
  • mailSender =;. This attribute defines the email sender. You can change it with your email and remove the line you have added in the TSconfig of the page.
  • mailSubject = $$$mailSubject$$$;. It defines the mail subject. Since $$$tag$$$ is used, it means that localization is used. Therefore, the mail subject is defined in the file locallang.xlf* in the extension directory **Resources/Private/Language. Open this file in your favorite editor and check the xml tag <trans-unit id=”mailSubject” xml:space=”preserve”>.
  • mailMessage = $$$mailMessage$$$;. This attribute is the same as the previous one for the message to be sent. As you can check in the file locallang.xlf, the xml tag <trans-unit id=”mailMessage” xml:space=”preserve”> contains ###fieldName### markers that were replaced by their values in the received message.
  • mailMessageLanguageFromField = email_language;. This attribute indicates that the language for the mail is provided by the value of the field email_language.

This is one of the possibilities for sending emails. See the Context Sensitive Help to see how to send emails each time you save the form (mailAlways) or when data have changed (mailAuto).

Field email_language

Nothing special about this field. It contains only:

  • fusion = end;. It closes the fusion, thus the next field will be on the next line.

Field invoice

This field is used to generate the RTF file. It configuration is:

  • generateRTF = 1;. It tells that RTF should be generated.
  • templateRTF = fileadmin/invoice.rtf;. It defines the template file for the generation. This file contains markers ###tableName.fieldName### that will be replaced by their value for the current row.
  • saveFileRTF = fileadmin/;. This attribute defines the name under which the RTF file will be saved. Since a marker is used in this attribute, it will be replaced by its value for the current row. In this example, the value of the field name is Yolf, therefore, the file name will be Yolf.rtf.