
TYPO3 v8 has reached its end-of-life March 31st, 2020 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.

There is no further ELTS support. It is recommended that you upgrade your project and use a supported version of TYPO3.



The ['columns'] section contains configuration for each table field (also called "column") which can be edited in the backend. This is typically the biggest part of a TCA definition.

The configuration includes both properties for the display in the backend as well as the processing of the submitted data.

Each field can be configured as a certain "type" (required!), for instance a checkbox, an input field, or a database relation. Each type allows a set of additional "renderType"s. Each "type" and "renderType" combination comes with a set of additional properties.

The basic structure looks like this:

'columns' => [
    'aField' => [
        'label' => 'someLabel',
        'config' => [
            'type' => 'aType',
            'renderType' => 'aRenderType',

Properties on the level parallel to "label" are valid for all "type" and "renderType" combinations. They are listed below. The list of properties within the "config" section depend on the specific "type" and "renderType" combination and are explained in detail in the ['columns']['config'] section.


Some examples from extension styleguide to get an idea on what the ['colums'] definition is capable of: An input field with slider, a select drop-down for images, an inline relation spanning multiple tables.

'input_30' => [
    'label' => 'input_30 slider, step=10, width=200, eval=trim,int',
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'input',
        'size' => 5,
        'eval' => 'trim,int',
        'range' => [
            'lower' => -90,
            'upper' => 90,
        'default' => 0,
        'slider' => [
            'step' => 10,
            'width' => 200,
Slider input field

Slider input field

'select_single_12' => [
    'label' => 'select_single_12 foreign_table selicon_field',
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'select',
        'renderType' => 'selectSingle',
        'foreign_table' => 'tx_styleguide_elements_select_single_12_foreign',
        'fieldWizard' => [
            'selectIcons' => [
                'disabled' => false,
Select images from a drop-down

Select images from a drop-down

'inline_1' => [
    'label' => 'inline_1',
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'inline',
        'foreign_table' => 'tx_styleguide_inline_1n1n_child',
        'foreign_field' => 'parentid',
        'foreign_table_field' => 'parenttable',
Nested inline relation to a different table

Nested inline relation to a different table


TYPO3 v8 has reached its end-of-life March 31st, 2020 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.

There is no further ELTS support. It is recommended that you upgrade your project and use a supported version of TYPO3.





Proc. / Display


Contains the main configuration properties of the fields display and processing behavior.

The possibilities for this array depend on the value of the array keys "type" and "renderType" within the array, see the dedicated section for details.



string / array




Contains one or more condition rules for whether to display the field or not.

Conditions can be grouped and nested using boolean operators AND or OR as array keys. See examples below.

A rule is a string divided into several parts by ":" (colons). The first part is the rule-type and the subsequent parts depend on the rule type.

The following rules are available:


    This evaluates based on another field's value in the record.

    • Part 1 is the field name

    • Part 2 is the evaluation type. These are the possible options:

      • REQ

        Requires the field to have a "true" value. False values are "" (blank string) and 0 (zero). Everything else is true. For the REQ evaluation type Part3 of the rules string must be the string "true" or "false". If "true" then the rule returns "true" if the evaluation is true. If "false" then the rule returns "true" if the evaluation is false.

      • > / < / >= / <=

        Evaluates if the field value is greater than, less than the value in "Part 3"

      • = / !=

        Evaluates if the field value is equal to value in "Part 3"

      • IN / !IN

        Evaluates if the field value is in the comma list equal to value in "Part 3"

      • - / !-

        Evaluates if the field value is in the range specified by value in "Part 3" ([min] - [max])

      • BIT / !BIT

        Evaluates if the bit specified by the value in "Part 3" is set in the field's value (considered as an integer)

  • REC

    This evaluates based on the current record (doesn't make sense for flexform fields)

    • Part 1 is the type.

      • NEW

        Requires the record to be new if Part2 is "true" and reversed if Part2 is "false".


    This will hide the field for all non-admin users while admins can see it. Useful for FlexForm container fields which are not supposed to be edited directly via the FlexForm but rather through some other interface (TemplaVoilà's Page module for instance).

  • USER

    userFunc call with a fully qualified class name. Additional parameters can be passed separated by colon. USER:Evoweb\\Example\\User\\MyConditionMatcher->checkHeader:some:more:info


    Evaluate if a record is a "versioned" record from workspaces.

    • Part 1 is the type:

      • IS

        Part 2 is "true" or "false": If true, the field is shown only if the record is a version (pid == -1). Example to show a field in "Live" workspace only: VERSION:IS:false

In FlexForm, display conditions can be attached to single fields in sheets, to sheets itself, to flex section fields and to flex section container element fields. FIELD references can be prefixed with a sheet name to reference a field from a neighbor sheet, see examples below.


This example will require the field named "tx_templavoila_ds" to be true, otherwise the field for which this rule is set will not be displayed:

'displayCond' => 'FIELD:tx_templavoila_ds:REQ:true',

Multiple conditions can be combined:

'displayCond' => [
    'AND' => [

Going further the next example defines the following conditions: for the "spaceAfter" field to be displayed, the content element must be in the default or "All" language. Furthermore it must either be a text-type element or have some "spaceBefore" defined:

'displayCond' => [
    'AND' => [
        'OR' => [

Using OR and AND within FlexForms works like this:


Flex form fields can access field values from various different sources:

<!-- Hide field if value of record field "header" is not "true" -->
<!-- Hide field if value of parent record field "field_1" is not "foo" -->
<!-- Hide field if value of neighbour field "flexField_1 on same sheet is not "foo" -->
<!-- Hide field if value of field "flexField_1" from sheet "sheet_1" is not "foo" -->


The display condition parser has been rewritten with TYPO3 core version 8. It is now "strict" and throws exceptions if the syntax of a display condition is bogus. The exception message reveals details on what exactly is broken. This helps with finding bugs in a display condition configuration and reduces headaches with "Why is my field shown or not shown?".





Proc. / Display


If set, all backend users are prevented from editing the field unless they are members of a backend user group with this field added as an "Allowed Excludefield" (or "admin" user).

See Inside TYPO3 for more about permissions.



string or LLL reference





The name of the field as it is shown in the interface:

Two examples of labels

"Type" and "Column" are two labels, "Content Element" is a palette label


Labels can be overridden in the types definition and the palettes definition.



string (list of keywords)




Localization display, see l10n_mode.

This option can be used to define the language related field rendering. This has nothing to do with the processing of language overlays and data storage but the display of form fields.

Keywords are:


The differences to the default language field will not be displayed.


This renders the field as read only field with the content of the default language record. The field will be rendered even if 'l10n_mode' is set to 'exclude'. While 'exclude' define the field not to be translatable, this option activate display of the default data.



string (keyword)


Display / Proc.


Localization mode.

Only active if the ['ctrl']['languageField'] property is set.

The main relevance is when a record is localized by an API call in DataHandler that makes a copy of the default language record. You can think of this process as copying all fields from the source record. By default, the given value from the default language record is copied to the localization overlay and the field is editable in the overlay record. This behaviour can be changed:


Field will not be shown in FormEngine if this record is a localization of the default language. Works basically like a display condition. Internally, the field value of the default language record is copied over to the field of the localized record. The DataHandler keeps the values of localized records in sync and actively copies a changed value from the default language record into the localized overlays if changed.


The field value from the default language record gets copied when an localization overlay is created, but the content is prefixed with the title of the target language. The field stays editable in the localized record. Works only for field types like "text" and "input".

The example shows the "header" field of a "tt_content" record after a translation from default language english with content "English header" to danish has been created.

"Header" field of a tt_content record after translation has been created

"Header" field of a tt_content record after translation

If this property is not set for a given field, the value of the default language record is copied over to the localized record on creation, the field value is then distinct from the default language record, can be edited at will and will never be overwritten by the DataHandler if the value of the default language record changes.







If set to reload, it triggers a form reload once the value of this field is changed. This is automatically set for fields specified as ['ctrl']['type'], but can be additionally useful for fields which are targets of a display condition FIELD: evaluation.