The main template

The TypoScript code used to define how pages are rendered is located in the "main" template. In this template a so-called "rootlevel flag" is set.

The Rootlevel flag in the tab Options a template record

The Rootlevel flag in the tab Options a template record

When the frontend renders a page, TYPO3 CMS searches along the page tree up to the root page to find a "main" template. Normally, there are additional templates besides the "main" template. For now, we will assume we are only using the "main" template.

TypoScript syntax is very straightforward. On the left side, objects and properties are defined. On the right side are the assigned values. Both objects and properties can contain other objects. Object properties are defined by using the dot "." notation.

The following is a typical example of TypoScript syntax:

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = Hello World