This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Administrator Manual

Manage set of supported Languages

By default, only the common languages are supported (to reduce the size of the highlight.js library file). In order to enable support for all 150 languages, change the Typoscript constant plugin.tx_jmhighlightjs.library to EXT:jm_highlightjs/Resources/Public/Javascript/highlight.all.min.js. If you only require a specific subset of languages, you can create a custom Javascript resource for these languages at, save it somewhere on your webserver (e.g. below fileadmin/) and configure plugin.tx_jmhighlightjs.library such that it points to that file.

Change Styling

Highlight.js comes with a collection of 74 different code highlighting styles. You can configure a different style through the Typoscript constant plugin.tx_jmhighlightjs.stylesheet, e.g you can change the style from default.css to androidstudio.css by setting the constant plugin.tx_jmhighlightjs.stylesheet = EXT:jm_highlightjs/Resources/Public/CSS/androidstudio.css. Visit to try out available styles.

Enable Server-Side Rendering

By default, this extension is configured to perform syntax highlighting client-side. If you installed the PHP extension v8js you can change this mode to server-side rendering. Simply set the Typoscript constant plugin.tx_jmhighlightjs.enablev8js = 1.