This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Users manual

Installation and initial configuration takes less than 2 minutes:

  1. Install the extension from TER.
  2. Add the provided PageTS Typoscript template EXT:jm_highlightjs - Enable Syntax Highlighting Features in RTE to your root page in order to enable the pre tag inside of RTE and add CSS classes for all supported languages.
  3. Add the Typoscript template Highlight.js based Syntax Highlighting to your frontend Typoscript template.
  4. Add a new pre block (i.e. preformatted text) in a RTE-based content element of your choice and paste your source code into the block (recommendation: use tabs instead of spaces to format your code and paste only clean code to avoid additional formatting steps in RTE)
  5. Reload the page with that content element in the frontend.

Known Issues

  • Formatting using whitespaces (instead of tabs) does not work properly as RTE eliminates all whitespace sequences with more than one whitespace.
  • One can assign multiple language types to a single code block, which can confuse highlight.js (especially in server-side rendering mode).