Changing & editing templates

EXT:news is using Fluid as templating engine. If you are used to Fluid already, you might skip this section.

This documentation won't bring you all information about Fluid but only the most important things you need for using it. You can get more information in the TYPO3 Documentation TYPO3 Explained: Fluid or many third party sites, videos and books.

Use a site package extension

It is recommended to always store overwritten templates in a custom TYPO3 extension. Usually this is done in a special extension called the site package.

If you do not have a site package yet you can create one manually following this Official Tutorial: Site Package.

There is also a site package generator available (Provided by Benjamin Kott).

Create a directory called EXT:mysitepackage/Resources/Private/Extensions/News for example and create 3 directories therein called Templates, Partials and Layouts. In these directories you can store your version of the Fluid templates that you need to override.

As any Extbase based extension, you can find the original templates of the extension news in the directory EXT:news/Resources/Private/.

If you want to change a template, copy the desired files to the directory in your site package. If the template is in a sub folder you have to preserve the folder structure.

For example the template:


would have to be copied to


Since your site package extends the extension news you should require news in your composer.json:

   "require": {
      "georgringer/news": "^9.0"

And / or ext_emconf.php:

    // ...
    'constraints' => [
        'depends' => [
            'news' => '9.0.0-9.99.99',
        // ...

Changing paths of the template

In the most common case, where you want to override the standard news template with your own templates you can use the TypoScript constants to set the paths:

TypoScript constants
plugin.tx_news {
    view {
        templateRootPath = EXT:mysitepackage/Resources/Private/Extensions/News/Templates/
        partialRootPath = EXT:mysitepackage/Resources/Private/Extensions/News/Partials/
        layoutRootPath = EXT:mysitepackage/Resources/Private/Extensions/News/Layouts/

If needed, multiple fallbacks can be defined with TypoScript setup:

TypoScript setup
plugin.tx_news {
    view {
        templateRootPaths >
        templateRootPaths {
            0 = EXT:news/Resources/Private/Templates/
            10 = EXT:mynewsextender/Resources/Private/Templates/
            15 = EXT:myothernewsextender/Resources/Private/Templates/
            20 = {$plugin.tx_news.view.templateRootPath}
        partialRootPaths >
        partialRootPaths {
            0 = EXT:news/Resources/Private/Partials/
            10 = EXT:mynewsextender/Resources/Private/Partials/
            15 = EXT:myothernewsextender/Resources/Private/Partials/
            20 = {$plugin.tx_news.view.partialRootPath}
        layoutRootPaths >
        layoutRootPaths {
            0 = EXT:news/Resources/Private/Layouts/
            10 = EXT:mynewsextender/Resources/Private/Layouts/
            15 = EXT:myothernewsextender/Resources/Private/Layouts/
            20 = {$plugin.tx_news.view.layoutRootPath}

It is recommended to always include the path from the TypoScript constants last (with the highest numeral) so that the site package can still override the templates.

Change path of the pagination widget

The path of the pagination widget can be changed by using a configuration like below.

TypoScript setup
plugin.tx_news {
    view {
        widget.GeorgRinger\News\ViewHelpers\Widget\PaginateViewHelper {
            templateRootPath = EXT:mysitepackage/Resources/Private/Extensions/News/Templates/

Layouts, templates & partials

If using Fluid, the templates are structured by using Layouts, templates and partials.


Layouts are used to structure the output of a plugin. A simple example is to wrap every output with the same <div> element. Therefore it is not needed to repeat this code and write it only once.

A layout can look this:

<div class="myFancyNews">
    <f:render section="content" />

This means that the output of the section content will be rendered inside a div with the class myFancyNews.


Every action (like the List View, the Detail View, Date Menu or a Category Listing) needs its own template which can be found at EXT:news/Resources/Private/Templates/<Model>/<ActionName>.html.

If Layouts are used, it is required to define the name of the Layout (which is identical to the file name of the layout file without file extension).

<f:layout name="General" />

<f:section name="content">
    This will be rendered


Partials are used within templates to be able to reuse code snippets. If you open the template Templates/News/List.html you will see the render ViewHelper:

      newsItem: newsItem,
      settings: settings,
      className: className,
      view: 'list'

This will embed the output of the partial which is located at Partials/List/Item.html (attribute partial, line 2). All arguments which are used in the attribute arguments (line 3ff) are available in the partial itself.

You can override existing partials or create your own and name them as you like.


Sections are very similar to partials. The difference is that sections are defined in the same file as the template.


Every Fluid ViewHelper starts with <f:. The view helpers supplied by TYPO3 are documented in the ViewHelper Reference.

Any other ViewHelpers from other extensions can be used by using a namespace declaration like

<html xmlns:f=""

Then ViewHelpers of EXT:news can be used with prefix n:. You can find the available ViewHelpers in the chapter ViewHelper reference.