This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Configuration Reference

TypoScript Reference

Use the following TypoScript constants and setup to configure the extension. All properties are to be prefixed with plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.


These constants are all editable in the Template module's Constant Editor.


Some of the constants are used on multiple occassions throughout the Static TypoScript setup. It is therefore recommended to set values always via these constants, unless you're overruling all of their references in the Static TypoScript.

Property Data type Default value
view.templateRootPath dir EXT:streamovations_vp/Resources/Private/Templates/
view.partialRootPath dir EXT:streamovations_vp/Resources/Private/Partials/
view.layoutRootPath dir EXT:streamovations_vp/Resources/Private/Layouts/
javascript.includeJquery boolean 1
javascript.jqueryLib resource EXT:streamovations_vp/Resources/Public/JavaScript/jQuery/jquery-1.11.1.min.js
javascript.jwPlayer6Lib resource EXT:streamovations_vp/Resources/Public/JavaScript/jwPlayer6/jwplayer.js
javascript.jwPlayer7Lib resource EXT:streamovations_vp/Resources/Public/JavaScript/jwPlayer7/jwplayer.js
javascript.smvPlayerLib resource  
css.frontendFile resource EXT:streamovations_vp/Resources/Public/Css/frontend.min.css
rest.scheme string http
rest.baseUri string  
settings.player integer 1
settings.jwPlayer.key string  
settings.jwPlayer.width string 64%
settings.jwPlayer.height string  
settings.jwPlayer.liveLanguage csv or,nl,en
settings.jwPlayer.smilSupport boolean 1
settings.jwPlayer.smilWrap wrap smil:|/jwplayer.smil
settings.smvPlayer.forceHttps boolean 0 string default
settings.breaks.enable boolean 1
settings.topics.enable boolean 1
settings.speakers.enable boolean 1
settings.speakers.imgDir dir  
settings.speakers.imgDefault resource EXT:streamovations_vp/Resources/Public/Image/speaker-avatar.jpg
settings.speakers.imgWidth integer 150
settings.speakers.imgHeight integer 150
settings.polling.interval integer 5


The following TypoScript setup properties allow for some advanced configuration thay may be useful to most use-cases. Note that not all are documented here, and you may find more in the TypoScript configuration files.

Constants property details


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.view.templateRootPath = path/to/dir/

Points to the default template directory.


If you wish to selectively overrule template files, see the setup property view.templateRootPaths.20.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.view.partialRootPath = path/to/dir/

Points to the default template partial directory.


If you wish to selectively overrule partial files, see the setup property view.partialRootPaths.20.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.view.layoutRootPath = path/to/dir/

Points to the default template layout directory.


If you wish to selectively overrule layout files, see the setup property view.layoutRootPaths.20.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.javascript.includeJquery = 1

Enables the inclusion of the jQuery library on pages containing the plugin. If you already include the jQuery library on those pages, you can disable this inclusion by setting it to 0.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.javascript.jqueryLib = path/to/file.js

Location of jQuery library, which is included only if javascript.includeJquery is enabled.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.javascript.jwPlayer6Lib = path/to/file.js

Location of JW Player 6 library. You would only change this if you require a different version than the one supplied with this extension.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.javascript.jwPlayer7Lib = path/to/file.js

Location of JW Player 7 library. You would only change this if you require a different version than the one supplied with this extension.


JW Player 7 requires a valid JW Player license key to work.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.javascript.smvPlayerLib = path/to/file.js

Location of SMV Player library. If you want to use the Streamovations Player instead of the default JW Player, you can set its file location here.


The SMV Player library is not included in this extension. Please inquire at your contact at Streamovations BVBA if you wish to use it.


The SMV Player requires a valid JW Player license key to work. Your contact at Streamovations BVBA can tell you which type of license key is necessary.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.css.frontendFile = path/to/file.css

Location of CSS file for frontend styling. If you wish to change the default styling, you could create another file and point to it here.


If you have custom CSS in an already included CSS file, you can simply enter an empty value here to disable the original styling.

rest.scheme = https

The REST API URI scheme. Suppose your Streamovations Video CMS REST API is available at the following URL:

The correct value would then be https.

rest.baseUri =

The REST API base URI. Suppose your Streamovations Video CMS REST API is available at the following URL:

The correct value would then be


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.settings.player = 2

Sets the preferred video player. The following choices are available:

  1. JW Player (6.x)
  2. JW Player (7.x)
  3. SMV Player


For SMV Player, see javascript.smvPlayerLib for the requirements.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.settings.jwPlayer.key = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

The JW Player license key can be used to unlock additional features in your JW Player instance.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.settings.jwPlayer.width = 600

The Player width in pixels or percentage. Only applies if JW Player is the chosen player.


If you wish to change the dimensions of the player when the SMV Player is active, you will need to provide custom CSS setting the width and/or height of the element .tx-streamovations-vp .video-player


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.settings.jwPlayer.height = 355

The Player height in pixels or percentage. Only applies if JW Player is the chosen player.


If you wish to change the dimensions of the player when the SMV Player is active, you will need to provide custom CSS setting the width and/or height of the element .tx-streamovations-vp .video-player


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.settings.jwPlayer.liveLanguage = en,nl

The order of preferred languages on livestreams. Only applies if JW Player is the chosen player.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.settings.jwPlayer.smilSupport = 1

If the REST response contains a reference to a .smil file, this setting enables usage. (generally recommended). Only applies if JW Player is the chosen player.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.settings.jwPlayer.smilWrap = smil:|/jwplayer.smil

The smil file wrap. Only change if you know what you're doing. Only applies if JW Player is the chosen player.


See why this is needed in the JW Player documentation.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.settings.smvPlayer.forceHttps = 1

Forces HTTPS for stream URLs, in case Streamovations Video CMS publishes only HTTP URLs causing mixed content warnings on your HTTPS website. = lion

Enables a different non-default skin if provided with your copy of the SMV Player.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.settings.breaks.enable = 1

Enables the use of breaks metadata, if available via the REST API of your Streamovations Video CMS.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.settings.topics.enable = 1

Enables the use of topics metadata, if available via the REST API of your Streamovations Video CMS. This requires videos to have correctly assigned topics and associated timestamps in the Streamovations Video CMS.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.settings.speakers.enable = 1

Enables the use of speakers metadata, if available via the REST API of your Streamovations Video CMS. This requires videos to have correctly assigned speakers and associated timestamps in the Streamovations Video CMS.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.settings.speakers.imgDir = path/to/dir/

If speakers metadata is set with avatar pictures in the Streamovations Video CMS, then this could be displayed on the website as well. All you need to do, is place the same pictures with the exact same filenames in the directory you configure here.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.settings.speakers.imgDefault = path/to/file.png

When a speaker has no picture set, or no matching picture is found in settings.speakers.imgDir, then the default image is shown. You can change the default image with this property.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.settings.speakers.imgWidth = 150

The avatar width in pixels.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.settings.speakers.imgHeight = 150

The avatar height in pixels.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.settings.polling.interval = 5

Polling interval in seconds. The interval in which polling is performed to request new topic and/or speaker metadata during livestreams. Polling is only active on livestreams.


Setting this property to anything below 1, will disable polling on livestreams.

Setup property details


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.view.templateRootPaths.20 = path/to/other/dir/

Points to an overruling template directory. You can selectively overrule one or more template files this way while maintaining a fallback to the original template directory set with the constant property view.templateRootPath.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.view.partialRootPaths.20 = path/to/other/dir/

Points to an overruling template partial directory. You can selectively overrule one or more partial files this way while maintaining a fallback to the original partial directory set with the constant property view.partialRootPath.


plugin.tx_streamovationsvp.view.layoutRootPaths.20 = path/to/other/dir/

Points to an overruling template layout directory. You can selectively overrule one or more layout files this way while maintaining a fallback to the original layout directory set with the constant property view.layoutRootPath.

rest.repository.{REPOSITORY}.cache.enable = 1

Enables or disables caching for REST-requests for one (Event, Playlist, Meetingdata) or as default (default) for all REST APIs.

rest.repository.{REPOSITORY}.cache.lifetime = 3600

Caching lifetime in seconds. Set this for REST-requests for one (Event, Playlist, Meetingdata) or as default (default) for all REST APIs.


The ideal setting may differ from the default per use case. Setting a high lifetime prevents redundant bandwith between your website and your Streamovations Video CMS, but lowers the update frequency of the plugins.

rest.repository.{REPOSITORY}.request.headers.{HEADER} = TEXT

Set specific request headers through TS Objects. This allows to satisfy both simple and advanced needs for one (Event, Playlist, Meetingdata) or as default (default) for all REST APIs.