This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Add new fields to wt_cart

There are different ways to display additional product data inside your cart (see chapter How can I display additional product data in wt_cart?). Compared to the FAQ article there is now an easier way to achieve the same objective. Despite from only displaying the data the following method also allows you to make the data available in hooks.

First of all you have to configure which fields of your database you want to display.


plugin.tx_wtcart_pi1 {
  db {
    additional {
      # left side: key, right side (after comma) database field name
      event_date.field = event_date
      event_time.field = event_time
    variants {
      db {
        additional {
          pricegroup.field = pricegroup_category
          # value allows to set static value which is not stored in database
          tidconf.value = 1_5

The example above configures four additional fields. Two fields are added to the product itself and two fields are added to the variants. As the comments of the example show you have to define a key like event_date oder tidconf. Furthermore you can set static values (then use "value") or data which is represented within the database (then use "field").

Now you have to define the output of your fields.


plugin.tx_wtcart_pi1 {
  settings {
    fields {
      additional {
        # marker name
        event_date = TEXT
        # set marker name to key defined in plugin.tx_wtcart_pi1.db.additional
        event_date.field = event_date
        event_date.wrap = <span class="event_date">|</span>
        event_date.if.isTrue.field = event_date

The example above defines a new TEXT cObject "event_date". You can use the whole power of stdWrap to enhance your output. In order to display the output you have to add a new marker to your HTML template. In general the marker's name is ###ADDITIONAL_KEY###. In our example the marker's name would be ###ADDITIONAL_EVENT_DATE###.