This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.



The directory for the TTF fonts can be defined when installing the extension. By default the following values are used by the JpGraph library

   TTF_DIR   /usr/share/fonts/truetype/


If you want to use another configuration, fill the Absolute server path.



The processing in SAV Jpgraph is based on the interpretation of an XML file where tags are associated with objects (from JpGraph classes or from data, query, file, marker, template classes). You may split the processing in several XML file or strings as done in the “sav_jpgraph” extension or have all the XML tags inserted in the same file.

Due to the interpretation process, the use of XML templating is flexible but runs slower than the conventional php coding. When queries are not used, the TYPO3 caching system is active to speed up the rendering.

Since version 0.2.0, a caching system was introduced in SAV Jpgraph to speed up the rendering with queries.


The flag “Allow queries (Admin)” must be set by an Admin user in the content flexform to have the query executed.

The caching time can be set by an ADMIN user using the selector in the flexform as shown below. By default, there is no caching.
