Form editor¶
EXT:form implements various hooks so that forms can be manipulated while being created or saved.
The form manager calls the 'beforeFormCreate' hook.
Connect to the hook¶
= \VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::class;
Wondering what useATimestampAsKeyPlease means?
Use the hook¶
* @param string $formPersistenceIdentifier
* @param array $formDefinition
* @return array
public function beforeFormCreate(string $formPersistenceIdentifier, array $formDefinition): array
return $formDefinition;
The form manager call the 'beforeFormDuplicate' hook.
Connect to the hook¶
= \VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::class;
Wondering what useATimestampAsKeyPlease means?
Use the hook¶
* @param string $formPersistenceIdentifier
* @param array $formDefinition
* @return array
public function beforeFormDuplicate(string $formPersistenceIdentifier, array $formDefinition): array
return $formDefinition;
The form manager call the 'beforeFormDelete' hook.
Connect to the hook¶
= \VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::class;
Wondering what useATimestampAsKeyPlease means?
Use the hook¶
* @param string $formPersistenceIdentifier
* @return void
public function beforeFormDelete(string $formPersistenceIdentifier)
The form editor call the 'beforeFormSave' hook.
Connect to the hook¶
= \VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::class;
Wondering what useATimestampAsKeyPlease means?
Use the hook¶
* @param string $formPersistenceIdentifier
* @param array $formDefinition
* @return array
public function beforeFormSave(string $formPersistenceIdentifier, array $formDefinition): array
return $formDefinition;
Common abstract view form element templates¶
The basic idea of the abstract view
is to give a quick overview of the
configuration of form elements, without having to click them in order to view
the detailed configuration in the Inspector
. The form editor
for each form element an inline HTML template and the corresponding JavaScript
code. Information matching inline HTML templates to the appropriate form
elements must be configured within TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formeditor.formEditorPartials.
At this point, the key identifying the form element follows a convention:
. The value for the key tells the
form editor
which inline HTML template should be loaded for the respective
form element. This template is then cloned via JavaScript, brought to life
using the form element configuration and shown in the Stage
You can read about how particular form elements are mapped to inline HTML templates and how the corresponding JavaScript code are executed here.
The form element inline HTML templates and the corresponding JavaScript code
are configured for reuse. In this way, most form elements you create should be
able to access the components delivered in EXT:form, without requiring separate
implementations (at least we hope so). For your own implementations, study
EXT:form stage templates, which is found under Resources/Private/Backend/Partials/FormEditor/Stage/*
The corresponding JavaScript code is found under Resources/Public/JavaScript/Backend/FormEditor/StageComponent.js
The method _renderTemplateDispatcher()
shows, which methods will be used to
render the respective form elements.
Essentially, two different inline HTML templates exists that can be rendered with two different JavaScript methods, which are described below. The other inline HTML templates are almost all versions of these two basic variants and show extra/ other form-element information. The same applies to the corresponding JavaScript codes.
This template displays the label
property of the form element. Depending on
the JavaScript rendering method used, a validator icon will be shown on the
right as soon as a validator is added to the form element. In this case, the
used validator labels are likewise displayed, if the form element is selected
and/ or the cursor hovers over the form element. This template should generally
be enough for all possible, self-defined form elements.
The Stage/SimpleTemplate
can then be rendered
with the method getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().getStage().renderSimpleTemplateWithValidators()
This template behaves like the Stage/SimpleTemplate
except that it also
shows the chosen options labels of the form elements. This is naturally only
possible for form elements that have properties.options.*
values, e.g.
type: MultiCheckbox
identifier: multicheckbox-1
label: 'Multi checkbox'
value1: label1
value2: label2
The template will now list 'label1' and 'label2'.
You can copy this template variant for your own form element, if that form-
element template also lists array values, which, however, are not found under
. For this purpose, the 'Stage/FileUploadTemplate' is
an example. It is basically the 'Stage/SelectTemplate' template, with one
altered property.
In the FileUpload
form element, multiple property values are available
under properties.allowedMimeTypes.*
as an array.
type: FileUpload
identifier: fileupload-1
label: 'File upload'
saveToFileMount: '1:/user_upload/'
- application/msexcel
- application/pdf
<div data-identifier="multiValueContainer" data-template-property="properties.options">
<div data-identifier="multiValueContainer" data-template-property="properties.allowedMimeTypes">
contains the path to the property, which is to be
read out of the form element and then shown in the template.
The Stage/SelectTemplate
can then be rendered
with the method getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().getStage().renderSelectTemplates()
Basic JavaScript Concepts¶
EXT:form implements the publish/subscribe pattern
to put the event handling
into effect. To learn more about this pattern, you should read
Note that the order of the subscriber is not manipulable and that information
flow between the subscribers does not exist. All events must be asynchronously
Publish an event:
getPublisherSubscriber().publish('eventname', [argumentToPublish1, argumentToPublish2, ...]);
Subscribe to an event:
var subscriberToken = getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('eventname', function(topic, args) {
// args[0] = argumentToPublish1
// args[1] = argumentToPublish2
// ...
Unsubscribe an event subscriber:
EXT:form itself publishes and subscribes to the following events:
Each Ajax request is called before this event is sent. EXT:form uses this event to display the spinner icon on the save button.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('ajax/beforeSend', function(topic, args) {
Each Ajax request is called after the end of this event. EXT:form uses this event to remove the spinner icon on the save button.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('ajax/complete', function(topic, args) {
This event is called if the Ajax request, which is used to save the form or to
render the current page of the form in the preview view
, fails. EXT:form
uses this event to show an error message as a flash message and to show the
received error text in the preview view
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = jqXHR
* args[1] = textStatus
* args[2] = errorThrown
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('core/ajax/error', function(topic, args) {
This event is called if the Ajax request that is used to render the current
page of the form in the preview view
was successful. EXT:form uses this
event to display the rendered form in the preview view
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = html
* args[1] = pageIndex
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('core/ajax/renderFormDefinitionPage/success', function(topic, args) {
This event is called if the Ajax request that is used to save the form was
successful. EXT:form uses this event to display a success message as a flash
message. The form editor
is also informed that no unsaved content currently
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = html
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('core/ajax/saveFormDefinition/success', function(topic, args) {
The addition/ deletion and movement of form elements und property collection elements (validators/ finishers) is saved in an internal stack so that the undo/ redo function can be implemented. This event is called whenever the current state is added to the stack. EXT:form uses this event to reset the enabled/ disabled state of the undo/ redo buttons.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = applicationState
* args[1] = stackPointer
* args[2] = stackSize
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('core/applicationState/add', function(topic, args) {
The method getFormEditorApp().setCurrentlySelectedFormElement()
tells the
form editor
which form element should currently be dealt with. This method
calls this event at the end.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = formElement
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('core/currentlySelectedFormElementChanged', function(topic, args) {
Each FormElement model
can write properties into the FormElement model
through the methods get
and set
. Each property path can register an event name for the publisher
through the method on
. This event is then always called when a property
path is written via set
. Read FormElement model
for more information. EXT:form automatically registers for all known property
paths of a form element the event core/formElement/somePropertyChanged
This means that every property written via set
calls this event. Among
other things, EXT:form uses this event for, for example, updating the label of
a form element in other components (e.g. Tree
component ) when this label
is changed. Furthermore, any validation errors from form element properties
are indicated by this event in the Tree
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = propertyPath
* args[1] = value
* args[2] = oldValue
* args[3] = formElementIdentifierPath
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('core/formElement/somePropertyChanged', function(topic, args) {
The method getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().movePropertyCollectionElement()
calls this event at the end. EXT:form uses this event to re-render the
component as soon as a property collection element (validator/
finisher) is moved.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = movedCollectionElementIdentifier
* args[1] = previousCollectionElementIdentifier
* args[2] = nextCollectionElementIdentifier
* args[3] = collectionName
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/collectionElement/moved', function(topic, args) {
The method getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().createAndAddPropertyCollectionElement()
calls this event at the end. EXT:form uses this event to re-render the
component as soon as a property collection element (validator/
finisher) is created and added.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = collectionElementIdentifier
* args[1] = collectionName
* args[2] = formElement
* args[3] = collectionElementConfiguration
* args[4] = referenceCollectionElementIdentifier
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/collectionElement/new/added', function(topic, args) {
The method getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().removePropertyCollectionElement()
calls this event at the end. EXT:form uses this event to re-render the
component as soon as a property collection element (validator/
finisher) is removed.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = collectionElementIdentifier
* args[1] = collectionName
* args[2] = formElement
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/collectionElement/removed', function(topic, args) {
The method getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().createAndAddFormElement()
the event view/insertElements/perform/after
call this event at the end. EXT:form uses this event to set the current
to-be-processed form element (getFormEditorApp().setCurrentlySelectedFormElement()
and to re-render the Tree
, Stage
and Inspector
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = newFormElement
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/formElement/inserted', function(topic, args) {
The method getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().moveFormElement()
calls this
event at the end.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = movedFormElement
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/formElement/moved', function(topic, args) {
The method getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().removeFormElement()
calls this
event at the end. EXT:form uses this event to set the current to-be-processed
form element (getFormEditorApp().setCurrentlySelectedFormElement()
) and to
re-render the Tree
, Stage
and Inspector
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = parentFormElement
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/formElement/removed', function(topic, args) {
The onClick event of the "Close" button in the form editor's
header section
calls this event. EXT:form uses this event to display a warning message in case
there are unsaved changes.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/header/button/close/clicked', function(topic, args) {
The onClick event of the "new page" button in the form editor's
section calls this event. EXT:form uses this event to display the "new page"
dialog box.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = targetEvent
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/header/button/newPage/clicked', function(topic, args) {
The onClick event of the "save" button in the form editor's
header section
calls this event. EXT:form uses this event either to display a dialog box with
the element in question (if there are validation errors) or to save the form
(if there are no validation errors).
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/header/button/save/clicked', function(topic, args) {
The onClick event of the "settings" button in the form editor's
section calls this event. EXT:form uses this event to select the root form
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/header/formSettings/clicked', function(topic, args) {
This event is called from the "new element" dialog box upon selection of a form element:
if "After" in the "Create new element" split button in the form-element toolbar for composite elements (e.g. fieldset) is clicked.
if the "Create new element" button in the form-element toolbar for non-composite elements is clicked.
EXT:form uses this event to create a new form element (getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().createAndAddFormElement()
and then move (getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().moveFormElement()
) it
below the currently selected element (sibling). At the end of this event, the
event view/formElement/inserted
is called. The event view/formElement/inserted
in getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().createAndAddFormElement()
was previously deactivated.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = formElementType
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/insertElements/perform/after', function(topic, args) {
This event is called from the "new element" dialog box upon selection of a form element:
if, in the
abstract view
mode, the "Create new element" button at the end of theStage
component is clicked.
EXT:form uses this event to create a new form element (getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().createAndAddFormElement()
This element is always created as the last element of the currently selected
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = formElementType
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/insertElements/perform/bottom', function(topic, args) {
This event is called from the "new element" dialog box upon selection of a form element:
if "Inside" in the "Create new element" split button in the form-element toolbar for composite elements (e.g. fieldset) is clicked.
EXT:form uses this event to create a new form element as a child element of the
currently selected element (getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().createAndAddFormElement()
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = formElementType
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/insertElements/perform/inside', function(topic, args) {
This event is called from the "new element" dialog box upon selection of a page element:
if the "Create new page" icon in the header section is clicked.
if the "Create new page" button in the
component is clicked.
EXT:form uses this event to create a new page after the currently selected page
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = formElementType
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/insertPages/perform', function(topic, args) {
The inspector editors
and FinishersEditor
are used to display the available validators/ finishers for a form element as a
select box. Furthermore, these inspector editors
indicate that in the
form definition
, validators/ finishers for the currently selected element
already exist. This occurs through the event view/inspector/collectionElement/existing/selected
EXT:form uses this event to render these validators/ finishers and their
tentatively configured inspector editors
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = collectionElementIdentifier
* args[1] = collectionName
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/inspector/collectionElement/existing/selected', function(topic, args) {
The inspector editors
and FinishersEditor
are used to display the available validators/ finishers for a form element as a
select box. The onChange event of the select box then calls this event. In
addition, the inspector editor
calls this event when a checkbox is chosen. EXT:form uses this event to add and
render the validator/ finisher of the form definition
via getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().createAndAddPropertyCollectionElement()
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = collectionElementIdentifier
* args[1] = collectionName
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/inspector/collectionElement/new/selected', function(topic, args) {
EXT:form uses the jQuery plugin 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' for the drag-and-
drop functionality. The 'update' event from 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' calls
the view/inspector/collectionElements/dnd/update
event if a property
collection element in the Inspector
component is sorted. EXT:form uses this
event to move the validator/ finisher in the form definition
via the method
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = movedCollectionElementIdentifier
* args[1] = previousCollectionElementIdentifier
* args[2] = nextCollectionElementIdentifier
* args[3] = collectionName
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/inspector/collectionElements/dnd/update', function(topic, args) {
The methods getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().renderInspectorEditors()
render all inspector editors
for a form element) and getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().renderInspectorCollectionElementEditors()
(to render the inspector editors
for a validator/ finisher) call this event
at the end. Strictly speaking, the Inspector
component in the method
calls this event.
Each inspector editor
has the property templateName,
which gives the form editor
two pieces of information. On the one hand the
must match with a key within the TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formeditor.formEditorPartials.
The form editor
can consequently load a corresponding inline HTML template
for the inspector editor
. On the other hand, the Inspector
must be told which JavaScript code should be executed for the
inspector editor
. For the inspector editors
delivered with EXT:form,
this occurs within the method _renderEditorDispatcher()
An existing hard-coded list of known inspector editors
determines, by means
of the property templateName
, which corresponding JavaScript method should
be executed for the inspector editor
. At the end, the event
is called. If you wish to implement
your own inspector editor
, you can use this event to execute in
your own JavaScript module.
the corresponding JavaScript code, with the help of the property
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = editorConfiguration
* args[1] = editorHtml
* args[2] = collectionElementIdentifier
* args[3] = collectionName
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/inspector/editor/insert/perform', function(topic, args) {
A simple example that registers a custom inspector editor
called 'Inspector-MyCustomInspectorEditor' and adds it to text form elements:
10: 'TYPO3/CMS/MySitePackage/Backend/FormEditor/ViewModel'
100: 'EXT:my_site_package/Resources/Private/Backend/Partials/FormEditor/'
Inspector-MyCustomInspectorEditor: 'Inspector/MyCustomInspectorEditor'
templateName: 'Inspector-MyCustomInspectorEditor'
* Module: @typo3/my-site-package/backend/form-editor/view-model
], function($, Helper) {
'use strict';
return (function($, Helper) {
* @private
* @var object
var _formEditorApp = null;
* @private
* @return object
function getFormEditorApp() {
return _formEditorApp;
* @private
* @return object
function getPublisherSubscriber() {
return getFormEditorApp().getPublisherSubscriber();
* @private
* @return object
function getUtility() {
return getFormEditorApp().getUtility();
* @private
* @param object
* @return object
function getHelper() {
return Helper;
* @private
* @return object
function getCurrentlySelectedFormElement() {
return getFormEditorApp().getCurrentlySelectedFormElement();
* @private
* @param mixed test
* @param string message
* @param int messageCode
* @return void
function assert(test, message, messageCode) {
return getFormEditorApp().assert(test, message, messageCode);
* @private
* @return void
* @throws 1491643380
function _helperSetup() {
assert('function' === $.type(Helper.bootstrap),
'The view model helper does not implement the method "bootstrap"',
* @private
* @return void
function _subscribeEvents() {
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = editorConfiguration
* args[1] = editorHtml
* args[2] = collectionElementIdentifier
* args[3] = collectionName
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/inspector/editor/insert/perform', function(topic, args) {
if (args[0]['templateName'] === 'Inspector-MyCustomInspectorEditor') {
* @private
* @param object editorConfiguration
* @param object editorHtml
* @param string collectionElementIdentifier
* @param string collectionName
* @return void
function renderMyCustomInspectorEditor(editorConfiguration, editorHtml, collectionElementIdentifier, collectionName) {
// do cool stuff
* @public
* @param object formEditorApp
* @return void
function bootstrap(formEditorApp) {
_formEditorApp = formEditorApp;
* Publish the public methods.
* Implements the "Revealing Module Pattern".
return {
bootstrap: bootstrap
})($, Helper);
The inspector editor
calls this event, if the checkbox is deselected. EXT:form uses this event to
remove the configured required validator ('NotEmpty') from the form
through the method getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().removePropertyCollectionElement()
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = collectionElementIdentifier
* args[1] = collectionName
* args[2] = formElement
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/inspector/removeCollectionElement/perform', function(topic, args) {
If you try to close the form editor
with unsaved content, a dialog box
appears, asking whether you really wish to close it. If you confirm it, this
event is called in the check box
component. EXT:form uses this event to
close the form editor
and return to the form manager
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/modal/close/perform', function(topic, args) {
If you try to remove a validator/ finisher by clicking the remove icon, a
dialog box appears, asking you to confirm this action. If confirmed, this event
is called in the check box
component. EXT:form uses this event to remove
the validator/ finisher from the form definition
through the method
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = collectionElementIdentifier
* args[1] = collectionName
* args[2] = formElement
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/modal/removeCollectionElement/perform', function(topic, args) {
If you try to remove a form element by clicking the remove icon, a dialog box
appears, asking you to confirm this action. If confirmed, this event is called
in the check box
component. EXT:form uses this event to remove the form
element from the form definition
via the method getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().removeFormElement()
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = formElement
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/modal/removeFormElement/perform', function(topic, args) {
If a form element contains a validation error and you try to save the form, a dialog box appears, listing all form elements with validation errors. One such form element can be clicked in this dialog box. This event is called by clicking a form element in the dialog box. EXT:form uses this event to select and show this form element.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = formElementIdentifierPath
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/modal/validationErrors/element/clicked', function(topic, args) {
This event is called if the 'pagination next' button in the Stage
component's header section is clicked. EXT:form uses this event to render the
next page of the form.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/paginationNext/clicked', function(topic, args) {
This event is called, if the 'pagination previous' button in the Stage
component's header section is clicked. EXT:form uses this event to render the
previous page of the form.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/paginationPrevious/clicked', function(topic, args) {
EXT:form makes it possible to load your own JavaScript module.
If all modules are loaded, the view-model method _loadAdditionalModules
calls this event. EXT:form uses this event to remove the preloader icon and
finally initialize the form editor
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/ready', function(topic, args) {
This event is called if the redo button in the form editor
header is
clicked. The addition/ deletion and movement of form elements and property
collection elements (validators/ finishers) is saved in an internal stack in
order to reset the undo/ redo functionality. EXT:form uses this event to reset
this stack to the previous state.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/redoButton/clicked', function(topic, args) {
This event is called if the "Create new element" button at the end of the
component in the abstract view
mode is clicked. EXT:form uses
this event to display the "new element" dialog box.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = targetEvent
* args[1] = configuration
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/button/newElement/clicked', function(topic, args) {
EXT:form uses the jQuery plugin 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' for the drag-and-
drop functionality. The 'change' event from 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' calls
the view/stage/abstract/dnd/change
event in the Stage
component in the
abstract view
mode if form elements are sorted. EXT:form uses this event to
set various CSS classes during the drag-and-drop process.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = placeholderDomElement
* args[1] = parentFormElementIdentifierPath
* args[2] = enclosingCompositeFormElement
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/dnd/change', function(topic, args) {
EXT:form uses the jQuery plugin 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' for the drag-and-
drop functionality. The 'start' event from 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' calls
the view/stage/abstract/dnd/start
event in the Stage
component in the
abstract view
mode if form elements are sorted. EXT:form uses this event to
set various CSS classes at the start of the drag-and-drop process.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = draggedFormElementDomElement
* args[1] = draggedFormPlaceholderDomElement
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/dnd/start', function(topic, args) {
EXT:form uses the jQuery plugin 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' for the drag-and-
drop functionality. The 'stop' event from 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' calls the
event in the Stage
component in the
abstract view
mode if form elements are sorted. EXT:form uses this event to
to re-render the Tree
, Stage
and Inspector
components at the end of
the drag-and-drop process and to select the moved form element.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = draggedFormElementIdentifierPath
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/dnd/stop', function(topic, args) {
EXT:form uses the jQuery plugin 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' for the drag-and-
drop functionality. The 'update' event from 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' calls
the view/stage/abstract/dnd/update
event in the Stage
component in the
abstract view
mode if form elements are sorted. EXT:form uses this event
to move the form element in the form definition
accordingly at the end of
the drag-and-drop process.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = movedDomElement
* args[1] = movedFormElementIdentifierPath
* args[2] = previousFormElementIdentifierPath
* args[3] = nextFormElementIdentifierPath
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/dnd/update', function(topic, args) {
This event is called if the "Create new element" button in the form-element toolbar or "Inside" or "After" in the split button is clicked. EXT:form uses this event to display the "New element" dialog box.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = targetEvent
* args[1] = configuration
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/elementToolbar/button/newElement/clicked', function(topic, args) {
This event is called after the abstract view
of the Stage
component has
been rendered. EXT:form uses this event to render the undo/ redo buttons.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/render/postProcess', function(topic, args) {
This event is called before the abstract view
of the Stage
component is
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/render/preProcess', function(topic, args) {
The methods getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().renderAbstractStageArea()
call this event. Strictly speaking, the Stage
component in the method
calls this event. The form editor
for each form element an inline HTML template the corresponding JavaScript
code. Information matching inline HTML templates to the appropriate form
elements must be configured within TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formeditor.formEditorPartials.
At this point, the key identifying the form element follows a convention:
. The value for the key tells the
form editor
which inline HTML template should be loaded for the respective
form element. The _renderTemplateDispatcher()
method then identifies, by
means of the form element's <formElementTypeIdentifier>
, the corresponding
JavaScript code to fill the inline HTML template with life.
contains a hard-coded list with the
that is brought in with the EXT:form, and it
renders the inline HTML templates accordingly. At the end, the
event is called. If you wish to
implement your own form element and show it in the form editor
, this event
can be used to execute in your own JavaScript module
the corresponding JavaScript code, with the help of the <formElementTypeIdentifier>
This is generally enough to allow the Stage/SimpleTemplate
and/ or
inline HTML template to be rendered for your own form
element and, in the JavaScript code, to access the getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().getStage().renderSimpleTemplateWithValidators()
and/ or getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().getStage().renderSelectTemplates()
method delivered with EXT:form. An overview over the functionality of the
formEditorPartials for the <formElementTypeIdentifier>
and its JavaScript
code is found here.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = formElement
* args[1] = template
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/render/template/perform', function(topic, args) {
A simple example reusing the EXT:form inline HTML template Stage/SelectTemplate
and the EXT:form JavaScript code renderSelectTemplates()
for a custom form element with <formElementTypeIdentifier>
= 'GenderSelect'.
In this example, 'GenderSelect' is basically a radio button form element with some predefined options.
10: '@typo3/my-site-package/backend/form-editor/view-model.js'
FormElement-GenderSelect: 'Stage/SelectTemplate'
10: 'TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.standard.formElementsDefinition.RadioButton'
templateName: 'RadioButton'
f: 'Female'
m: 'Male'
u: 'Unicorn'
a: 'Alien'
label: 'Gender Select'
group: select
groupSorting: 9000
f: 'Female'
m: 'Male'
u: 'Unicorn'
a: 'Alien'
300: null
* Module: @typo3/my-site-package/backend/form-editor/view-model
], function($, Helper) {
'use strict';
return (function($, Helper) {
* @private
* @var object
var _formEditorApp = null;
* @private
* @return object
function getFormEditorApp() {
return _formEditorApp;
* @private
* @return object
function getPublisherSubscriber() {
return getFormEditorApp().getPublisherSubscriber();
* @private
* @return object
function getUtility() {
return getFormEditorApp().getUtility();
* @private
* @param object
* @return object
function getHelper() {
return Helper;
* @private
* @return object
function getCurrentlySelectedFormElement() {
return getFormEditorApp().getCurrentlySelectedFormElement();
* @private
* @param mixed test
* @param string message
* @param int messageCode
* @return void
function assert(test, message, messageCode) {
return getFormEditorApp().assert(test, message, messageCode);
* @private
* @return void
* @throws 1491643380
function _helperSetup() {
assert('function' === $.type(Helper.bootstrap),
'The view model helper does not implement the method "bootstrap"',
* @private
* @return void
function _subscribeEvents() {
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = formElement
* args[1] = template
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/render/template/perform', function(topic, args) {
if (args[0].get('type') === 'GenderSelect') {
getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().getStage().renderSelectTemplates(args[0], args[1]);
* @public
* @param object formEditorApp
* @return void
function bootstrap(formEditorApp) {
_formEditorApp = formEditorApp;
* Publish the public methods.
* Implements the "Revealing Module Pattern".
return {
bootstrap: bootstrap
})($, Helper);
This event is called from the Stage
component when a form element is
clicked. EXT:form uses this event to select this element and to display the
form-element toolbar. In addition, the Tree
and Inspector
are re-rendered.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = formElementIdentifierPath
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/element/clicked', function(topic, args) {
This event is called if the header section of the Stage
component is
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/panel/clicked', function(topic, args) {
This event is called after the preview view
of the Stage
component has
been rendered. EXT:form uses this event to render the undo/ redo buttons.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/preview/render/postProcess', function(topic, args) {
This event is called from the onClick event of the Tree
component's "Create
new page" button. EXT:form uses this event to display the "new page" dialog
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = targetEvent
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/structure/button/newPage/clicked', function(topic, args) {
This event is called from the view-model after the Tree
component has been
re-rendered. EXT:form uses this event to display potential validation errors
from form elements in the Tree
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/structure/renew/postProcess', function(topic, args) {
This event is called if the root form element in the Tree
component is
clicked. EXT:form uses this event to re-render the Stage
, Inspector
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/structure/root/selected', function(topic, args) {
EXT:form uses the jQuery plugin 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' for the drag-and-
drop functionality. The 'change' event from 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' calls
the view/tree/dnd/change
event in der Tree
component if form elements
are sorted. EXT:form uses this event to set various CSS classes during the drag
-and-drop process.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = placeholderDomElement
* args[1] = parentFormElementIdentifierPath
* args[2] = enclosingCompositeFormElement
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/tree/dnd/change', function(topic, args) {
EXT:form uses the jQuery plugin 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' for the drag-and-
drop functionality. The 'stop' event from 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' calls the
event in the Tree
component if form elements are
sorted. EXT:form uses this event to re-render Tree
, Stage
components at the end of the drag-and-drop process and to select
the moved form element.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = draggedFormElementIdentifierPath
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/tree/dnd/stop', function(topic, args) {
EXT:form uses the jQuery plugin 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' for the drag-and-
drop functionality. The 'update' event from 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' calls
the view/tree/dnd/update
event in der Tree
component if form elements
are sorted. EXT:form uses this event to move the form element in the form
accordingly at the end of the drag-and-drop process.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = movedDomElement
* args[1] = movedFormElementIdentifierPath
* args[2] = previousFormElementIdentifierPath
* args[3] = nextFormElementIdentifierPath
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/tree/dnd/update', function(topic, args) {
This event is called from the Tree
component if a form element is clicked.
EXT:form uses this event to re-render the Stage
and Inspector
components and select the form element.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = formElementIdentifierPath
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/tree/node/clicked', function(topic, args) {
This event is called by the Tree
component for each form element as soon as
it is added to the tree.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* args[0] = listItem
* args[1] = formElement
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/tree/render/listItemAdded', function(topic, args) {
This event is called when the undo button is clicked in the form editor
header. The history of adding / deleting and moving form elements and property
collection elements (validators/ finishers) is stored in an internal stack to
implement the undo / redo functionality. EXT:form uses this event to set this
stack to the next state.
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/undoButton/clicked', function(topic, args) {
This event is called when the abstract view button is clicked in the header
area of the Stage
component. EXT:form uses this event to render the
abstract view
in the Stage
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/viewModeButton/abstract/clicked', function(topic, args) {
This event is called when the preview button is clicked in the header area of
the Stage
component. EXT:form uses this event to render the preview
in the Stage
Subscribe to the event:
* @private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/viewModeButton/preview/clicked', function(topic, args) {
FormElement model¶
Property: __parentRenderable¶
__parentRenderable includes the parent element as FormElement model
Property: __identifierPath¶
Internally, all form elements are identified by their 'identifier' property,
which must be unique for each form. The __identifierPath
property contains
the path to the element (as seen from the first element), separated by a /
Using this path, you can access the element directly through an API method.
Method: get()¶
Each property of the FormElement model
can be accessed by the get()
method through the property path (separated by .
). Prerequisite for this
is that all levels up to the target property are objects.
Example of a FormElement model
"identifier": "name",
"defaultValue": "",
"label": "Name",
"type": "Text",
"properties": {
"fluidAdditionalAttributes": {
"placeholder": "Name"
"__parentRenderable": "example-form/page-1 (filtered)",
"__identifierPath": "example-form/page-1/name",
"validators": [
"identifier": "NotEmpty"
Access to properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder
// value = 'Name'
var value = getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name').get('properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder');
Two exceptions are the two arrays of "finishers" / "validators" (property
) and the renderables
Accessing property collection properties¶
Property collection are identified as form elements through the property
. Because property collection properties are in an array and
their positions in the array are potentially unknown, the getFormEditorApp().buildPropertyPath()
method exists. This can be used to access a property of a property collection
item via its identifier
Example of a FormElement model
"identifier": "name",
"defaultValue": "",
"label": "Name",
"type": "Text",
"properties": {
"fluidAdditionalAttributes": {
"placeholder": "Name"
"__parentRenderable": "example-form/page-1 (filtered)",
"__identifierPath": "example-form/page-1/name",
"validators": [
"identifier": "StringLength"
"options": {
"minimum": "1",
"maximum": "2"
Access to options.minimum
of the validator StringLength
var formElement = getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name');
var propertyPath = getFormEditorApp().buildPropertyPath('options.minimum', 'StringLength', 'validators', formElement);
// value = 1
var value = formElement.get(propertyPath);
Accessing renderables¶
Like property collections
, renderables
(the child elements) are also in
an array and their position in the array is potentially unknown. Direct access
to child elements through the get()
method is impossible.
supplies an array with the FormElement
of the child elements. You must then loop over this array. Access to a
specific child element should be done using getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath()
Method: set()¶
Any property of the FormElement model
can be written using the set()
method by means of the property path (separated by .
Example of a FormElement model
"identifier": "name",
"defaultValue": "",
"label": "Name",
"type": "Text",
"properties": {
"fluidAdditionalAttributes": {
"placeholder": "Name"
"__parentRenderable": "example-form/page-1 (filtered)",
"__identifierPath": "example-form/page-1/name",
"validators": [
"identifier": "NotEmpty"
Set the property properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder
getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name').set('properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder', 'New Placeholder');
Example of the FormElement model
after the set()
"identifier": "name",
"defaultValue": "",
"label": "Name",
"type": "Text",
"properties": {
"fluidAdditionalAttributes": {
"placeholder": "New Placeholder"
"__parentRenderable": "example-form/page-1 (filtered)",
"__identifierPath": "example-form/page-1/name",
"validators": [
"identifier": "NotEmpty"
Two exceptions are the two arrays of "finishers" / "validators" (property
) and the renderables
Setting property collection properties¶
In principle, the same applies here as for get property collection properties.
Set the property options.minimum
of the validator StringLength
var formElement = getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name');
var propertyPath = getFormEditorApp().buildPropertyPath('options.minimum', 'StringLength', 'validators', formElement);
formElement.set(propertyPath, '2');
Setting renderables¶
To add child form elements to a FormElement model
, the appropriate API
methods should be used:
Method: unset()¶
Any property of the FormElement model
can be deleted using the method
by means of the property path (separated by .
Example of a FormElement model
"identifier": "name",
"defaultValue": "",
"label": "Name",
"type": "Text",
"properties": {
"fluidAdditionalAttributes": {
"placeholder": "Name"
"__parentRenderable": "example-form/page-1 (filtered)",
"__identifierPath": "example-form/page-1/name",
"validators": [
"identifier": "NotEmpty"
Delete the property properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder
// value = 'Name'
var value = getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name').unset('properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder');
Example of the FormElement model
after the unset()
"identifier": "name",
"defaultValue": "",
"label": "Name",
"type": "Text",
"properties": {
"fluidAdditionalAttributes": {}
"__parentRenderable": "example-form/page-1 (filtered)",
"__identifierPath": "example-form/page-1/name",
"validators": [
"identifier": "NotEmpty"
Two exceptions are the two arrays of "finishers" / "validators" (property
) and the renderables
Remove property collection properties¶
In principle, the same applies here as for get property collection properties.
Delete the property options.minimum
of the validator StringLength
var formElement = getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name');
var propertyPath = getFormEditorApp().buildPropertyPath('options.minimum', 'StringLength', 'validators', formElement);
Remove renderables¶
To delete a FormElement model
, the corresponding API method
should be used.
Method: on()¶
Any number of Publisher/Subscriber
events can be assigned to any property path of a FormElement model
. Each
operation on this property path will then call these events. By
default, EXT:form registers the event core/formElement/somePropertyChanged
for each property path.
getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name').on('properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder', 'my/custom/event');
getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name').set('properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder', 'New Placeholder');
// now, the event 'my/custom/event' will be published
Method: off()¶
Any event registered via on() can be removed with off().
getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name').off('properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder', 'my/custom/event');
Method: getObjectData()¶
All FormElement model
properties are private and cannot be manipulated
directly from the outside. They can only be accessed via set()
. This method is used internally to obtain all data of a FormElement
in object form so that they can be used in, for example, Ajax requests.
returns a dereferenced object of the FormElement model
with all internal data, thus allowing read access to all data set via
Method: toString()¶
A method that was implemented for debugging purposes. Returns the object data
supplied by getObjectData()
in string form.
Method: clone()¶
If necessary, a form element can be cloned. Returns a dereferenced clone of the
original FormElement model
var dolly = formElement.clone();