- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.implementationClassName
- Data type
- string
- Needed by
- Frontend/ Backend (form editor)
- Overwritable within form definition
- No
- form editor can write this property into the form definition (for prototype ‘standard’)
- No
- Mandatory
- Yes
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2
ImageUpload: implementationClassName: TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\FormElements\FileUpload
- Description
- Classname which implements the form element.
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.properties.containerClassAttribute
- Data type
- string
- Needed by
- Frontend/ Backend (form editor)
- Overwritable within form definition
- Yes
- form editor can write this property into the form definition (for prototype ‘standard’)
- No
- Mandatory
- No
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
ImageUpload: properties: containerClassAttribute: input elementClassAttribute: lightbox elementErrorClassAttribute: error saveToFileMount: '1:/user_upload/' allowedMimeTypes: - image/jpeg - image/png - image/bmp imageLinkMaxWidth: 500 imageMaxWidth: 500 imageMaxHeight: 500
- Description
- A CSS class which is typically wrapped around the form elements.
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.properties.elementClassAttribute
- Data type
- string
- Needed by
- Frontend/ Backend (form editor)
- Overwritable within form definition
- Yes
- form editor can write this property into the form definition (for prototype ‘standard’)
- No
- Mandatory
- No
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
ImageUpload: properties: containerClassAttribute: input elementClassAttribute: lightbox elementErrorClassAttribute: error saveToFileMount: '1:/user_upload/' allowedMimeTypes: - image/jpeg - image/png - image/bmp imageLinkMaxWidth: 500 imageMaxWidth: 500 imageMaxHeight: 500
- Description
- A CSS class written to the form element.
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.properties.elementErrorClassAttribute
- Data type
- string
- Needed by
- Frontend/ Backend (form editor)
- Overwritable within form definition
- Yes
- form editor can write this property into the form definition (for prototype ‘standard’)
- No
- Mandatory
- No
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
ImageUpload: properties: containerClassAttribute: input elementClassAttribute: lightbox elementErrorClassAttribute: error saveToFileMount: '1:/user_upload/' allowedMimeTypes: - image/jpeg - image/png - image/bmp imageLinkMaxWidth: 500 imageMaxWidth: 500 imageMaxHeight: 500
- Description
- A CSS class which is written to the form element if validation errors exists.
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.properties.saveToFileMount
- Data type
- string
- Needed by
- Frontend/ Backend (form editor)
- Overwritable within form definition
- Yes
- form editor can write this property into the form definition (for prototype ‘standard’)
- Yes
- Mandatory
- No
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
ImageUpload: properties: containerClassAttribute: input elementClassAttribute: lightbox elementErrorClassAttribute: error saveToFileMount: '1:/user_upload/' allowedMimeTypes: - image/jpeg - image/png - image/bmp imageLinkMaxWidth: 500 imageMaxWidth: 500 imageMaxHeight: 500
- Description
- The location (file mount) for the uploaded images. If this file mount or the property “saveToFileMount” does not exist the folder in which the form definition lies (persistence identifier) will be used. If the form is generated programmatically and therefore no persistence identifier exist the default storage “1:/user_upload/” will be used.
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.properties.allowedMimeTypes
- Data type
- array
- Needed by
- Frontend/ Backend (form editor)
- Overwritable within form definition
- Yes
- form editor can write this property into the form definition (for prototype ‘standard’)
- Yes
- Mandatory
- Yes
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
ImageUpload: properties: containerClassAttribute: input elementClassAttribute: lightbox elementErrorClassAttribute: error saveToFileMount: '1:/user_upload/' allowedMimeTypes: - image/jpeg - image/png - image/bmp imageLinkMaxWidth: 500 imageMaxWidth: 500 imageMaxHeight: 500
- Description
- The allowed mime types for the image uploads.
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.properties.imageLinkMaxWidth
- Data type
- int
- Needed by
- Frontend/ Backend (form editor)
- Overwritable within form definition
- Yes
- form editor can write this property into the form definition (for prototype ‘standard’)
- No
- Mandatory
- No
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
ImageUpload: properties: containerClassAttribute: input elementClassAttribute: lightbox elementErrorClassAttribute: error saveToFileMount: '1:/user_upload/' allowedMimeTypes: - image/jpeg - image/png - image/bmp imageLinkMaxWidth: 500 imageMaxWidth: 500 imageMaxHeight: 500
- Description
- The max width for the uploaded image preview link.
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.properties.imageMaxWidth
- Data type
- int
- Needed by
- Frontend/ Backend (form editor)
- Overwritable within form definition
- Yes
- form editor can write this property into the form definition (for prototype ‘standard’)
- No
- Mandatory
- No
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
ImageUpload: properties: containerClassAttribute: input elementClassAttribute: lightbox elementErrorClassAttribute: error saveToFileMount: '1:/user_upload/' allowedMimeTypes: - image/jpeg - image/png - image/bmp imageLinkMaxWidth: 500 imageMaxWidth: 500 imageMaxHeight: 500
- Description
- The max width for the uploaded image preview.
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.properties.imageMaxHeight
- Data type
- int
- Needed by
- Frontend/ Backend (form editor)
- Overwritable within form definition
- Yes
- form editor can write this property into the form definition (for prototype ‘standard’)
- No
- Mandatory
- No
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
ImageUpload: properties: containerClassAttribute: input elementClassAttribute: lightbox elementErrorClassAttribute: error saveToFileMount: '1:/user_upload/' allowedMimeTypes: - image/jpeg - image/png - image/bmp imageLinkMaxWidth: 500 imageMaxWidth: 500 imageMaxHeight: 500
- Description
- The max height for the uploaded image preview.
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.formEditor
- Data type
- array
- Needed by
- Backend (form editor)
- Mandatory
- Recommended
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
ImageUpload: formEditor: editors: 100: identifier: header templateName: Inspector-FormElementHeaderEditor 200: identifier: label templateName: Inspector-TextEditor label: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.label.label propertyPath: label 300: identifier: allowedMimeTypes templateName: Inspector-MultiSelectEditor label: formEditor.elements.ImageUpload.editor.allowedMimeTypes.label propertyPath: properties.allowedMimeTypes selectOptions: 10: value: image/jpeg label: formEditor.elements.ImageUpload.editor.allowedMimeTypes.jpg 20: value: image/png label: formEditor.elements.ImageUpload.editor.allowedMimeTypes.png 30: value: image/bmp label: formEditor.elements.ImageUpload.editor.allowedMimeTypes.bmp 400: identifier: saveToFileMount templateName: Inspector-SingleSelectEditor label: formEditor.elements.FileUploadMixin.editor.saveToFileMount.label propertyPath: properties.saveToFileMount selectOptions: 10: value: '1:/user_upload/' label: '1:/user_upload/' 700: identifier: gridColumnViewPortConfiguration templateName: Inspector-GridColumnViewPortConfigurationEditor label: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.gridColumnViewPortConfiguration.label configurationOptions: viewPorts: 10: viewPortIdentifier: xs label: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.gridColumnViewPortConfiguration.xs.label 20: viewPortIdentifier: sm label: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.gridColumnViewPortConfiguration.sm.label 30: viewPortIdentifier: md label: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.gridColumnViewPortConfiguration.md.label 40: viewPortIdentifier: lg label: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.gridColumnViewPortConfiguration.lg.label numbersOfColumnsToUse: label: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.gridColumnViewPortConfiguration.numbersOfColumnsToUse.label propertyPath: 'properties.gridColumnClassAutoConfiguration.viewPorts.{@viewPortIdentifier}.numbersOfColumnsToUse' fieldExplanationText: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.gridColumnViewPortConfiguration.numbersOfColumnsToUse.fieldExplanationText 800: identifier: requiredValidator templateName: Inspector-RequiredValidatorEditor label: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.requiredValidator.label validatorIdentifier: NotEmpty propertyPath: properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.required propertyValue: required 9999: identifier: removeButton templateName: Inspector-RemoveElementEditor predefinedDefaults: properties: saveToFileMount: '1:/user_upload/' allowedMimeTypes: - image/jpeg label: formEditor.elements.ImageUpload.label group: custom groupSorting: 400 iconIdentifier: t3-form-icon-image-upload
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.formEditor.editors.100
- Data type
- array/ [FormElementHeaderEditor]
- Needed by
- Backend (form editor)
- Mandatory
- Recommended
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6
ImageUpload: formEditor: editors: 100: identifier: header templateName: Inspector-FormElementHeaderEditor
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.formEditor.editors.200
- Data type
- array/ [TextEditor]
- Needed by
- Backend (form editor)
- Mandatory
- Recommended
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ImageUpload: formEditor: editors: 200: identifier: label templateName: Inspector-TextEditor label: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.label.label propertyPath: label
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.formEditor.editors.300
- Data type
- array/ [TextEditor]
- Needed by
- Backend (form editor)
- Mandatory
- Recommended
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
ImageUpload: formEditor: editors: 300: identifier: allowedMimeTypes templateName: Inspector-MultiSelectEditor label: formEditor.elements.ImageUpload.editor.allowedMimeTypes.label propertyPath: properties.allowedMimeTypes selectOptions: 10: value: image/jpeg label: formEditor.elements.ImageUpload.editor.allowedMimeTypes.jpg 20: value: image/png label: formEditor.elements.ImageUpload.editor.allowedMimeTypes.png 30: value: image/bmp label: formEditor.elements.ImageUpload.editor.allowedMimeTypes.bmp
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.formEditor.editors.400
- Data type
- array/ [SingleSelectEditor]
- Needed by
- Backend (form editor)
- Mandatory
- Recommended
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ImageUpload: formEditor: editors: 400: identifier: saveToFileMount templateName: Inspector-SingleSelectEditor label: formEditor.elements.FileUploadMixin.editor.saveToFileMount.label propertyPath: properties.saveToFileMount selectOptions: 10: value: '1:/user_upload/' label: '1:/user_upload/'
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.formEditor.editors.700
- Data type
- array/ [GridColumnViewPortConfigurationEditor]
- Needed by
- Backend (form editor)
- Mandatory
- Recommended
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
ImageUpload: formEditor: editors: 700: identifier: gridColumnViewPortConfiguration templateName: Inspector-GridColumnViewPortConfigurationEditor label: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.gridColumnViewPortConfiguration.label configurationOptions: viewPorts: 10: viewPortIdentifier: xs label: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.gridColumnViewPortConfiguration.xs.label 20: viewPortIdentifier: sm label: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.gridColumnViewPortConfiguration.sm.label 30: viewPortIdentifier: md label: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.gridColumnViewPortConfiguration.md.label 40: viewPortIdentifier: lg label: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.gridColumnViewPortConfiguration.lg.label numbersOfColumnsToUse: label: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.gridColumnViewPortConfiguration.numbersOfColumnsToUse.label propertyPath: 'properties.gridColumnClassAutoConfiguration.viewPorts.{@viewPortIdentifier}.numbersOfColumnsToUse' fieldExplanationText: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.gridColumnViewPortConfiguration.numbersOfColumnsToUse.fieldExplanationText
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.formEditor.editors.800
- Data type
- array/ [RequiredValidatorEditor]
- Needed by
- Backend (form editor)
- Mandatory
- Recommended
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ImageUpload: formEditor: editors: 800: identifier: requiredValidator templateName: Inspector-RequiredValidatorEditor label: formEditor.elements.FormElement.editor.requiredValidator.label validatorIdentifier: NotEmpty propertyPath: properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.required propertyValue: required
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.formEditor.editors.9999
- Data type
- array/ [RemoveElementEditor]
- Needed by
- Backend (form editor)
- Mandatory
- Recommended
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6
ImageUpload: formEditor: editors: 9999: identifier: removeButton templateName: Inspector-RemoveElementEditor
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.formEditor.predefinedDefaults
- Data type
- array
- Needed by
- Backend (form editor)
- Mandatory
- Recommended
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ImageUpload: formEditor: predefinedDefaults: properties: saveToFileMount: '1:/user_upload/' allowedMimeTypes: - image/jpeg
- Description
- Defines predefined defaults for form element properties which are prefilled, if the form element is added to a form.
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.formEditor.label
- Data type
- string
- Needed by
- Backend (form editor)
- Mandatory
- Yes
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3
ImageUpload: formEditor: label: formEditor.elements.ImageUpload.label
- Good to know
- Description
- This label will be shown within the “new element” Modal.
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.formEditor.group
- Data type
- string
- Needed by
- Backend (form editor)
- Mandatory
- Recommended
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3
ImageUpload: formEditor: group: custom
- Default value
- Depends (see concrete element configuration)
- Description
- Define within which group within the
form editor
“new Element” modal the form element should be shown. Thegroup
value must be equal to an array key withinformElementGroups
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.formEditor.groupSorting
- Data type
- int
- Needed by
- Backend (form editor)
- Mandatory
- Recommended
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3
ImageUpload: formEditor: groupSorting: 400
- Description
- The position within the
for this form element.
- Option path
- TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.<prototypeIdentifier>.formElementsDefinition.ImageUpload.formEditor.iconIdentifier
- Data type
- string
- Needed by
- Backend (form editor)
- Mandatory
- Yes
- Default value (for prototype ‘standard’)
1 2 3
ImageUpload: formEditor: iconIdentifier: t3-form-icon-image-upload
- Description
An icon identifier which must be registered through the
. This icon will be shown within- “Inspector [FormElementHeaderEditor]”.
- “Abstract view formelement templates”.
component.- “new element” Modal