Indexing Configurations

Setting up the "crawler" extension

Before you can work with Indexing Configurations you must make sure you have set up the extension tomasnorre/crawler and have a cron-job running that will process the crawler queue as we fill it. For this, please refer to the Manual of the Crawler extension.

Generally about Indexing Configurations

Indexing configuration sets up indexing jobs that are performed by a cron-script independently of frontend requests. The "crawler" extension is used as a service to perform the execution of queue entries that controls the indexing.

You can create an indexing configuration in the Web > List module in on any page. Where to place the configuration depends on the type of data that should be indexed. See following sections.

Screenshot of an indexing configuration record in the List module of the TYPO3 backend

Common parameters in Indexing Configurations

The "Session ID" requires a show introduction: When an indexing job is started it will set this value to a unique number which is used as ID for that process and all indexed entries are tagged with it. When the processing of an indexing configuration is done it will be reset to zero again.

Periodic indexing of the website ("Page tree")

You can have the whole page tree indexed overnight using this indexing configuration of type "Page tree":

  • Type: Page tree
  • Root page: Your start page
  • Depth: 4 Levels (or as many as there are)

Using the Web > List module create this indexing configuration in a system folder on your site.

For each page a combination of parameters is calculated based on the "crawler" configurations for the "Re-index" processing instruction (See "crawler" extension for more information) and those URLs are committed to the crawler log plus entries for all subpages to the processed page (so that each of those pages are indexed as well.)

The rest of the configuration, for example with which parameter to call the pages is made in the tomasnorre/crawler extension.

Periodic indexing of records ("Database Records")

You can also use the Indexing Configuration to index single records.

Location: You must place the indexing configuration on the page where you want the search results to be displayed. For example when you want to index news entries, place the configuration on the page that contains the single view plugin of news.

  • Type: "Database Records"
  • Table to index: For example: "News"
  • Alternative Source Page: The page that contains the records, for example the news folder
  • Fields: For example: "title, short, text"
  • GET parameter string: For example: "&tx_news[action]=show&tx_news[news]=###UID###". The chash will be automatically attached. This must correspond with what the plugin takes of parameters.

If a record is removed its indexing entry will also be removed upon next indexing. The UID of the record is saved in the index for that purpose.

Indexing External websites ("External URL")

Using the crawler extension, you can index external websites using Indexing Configurations.

  • External URL:
  • Depth: 1 Level
  • Enter sub-URLs in which not to descend:

Location: You should place the Indexing Configuration on a "Not- in-menu" page in the root of the site for instance. The page must be "searchable" since the external URL results are bound to a page in the page tree, namely the page where the configuration is found.

Indexing directories of files ("Filepath on server")

You can also have directories of files on your server indexed periodically, using the type "Filepath on server".

  • Filepath: fileadmin/user_upload/my_pdfs
  • Limit to extensions: pdf, txt
  • Depth: 2 Levels

Location: The Indexed Search configuration should be located on a not- in-menu page, just like the "External URL" type required. Same reasons; results are bound to a page in the page tree.

For each directory:

  1. all files are indexed and
  2. all sub-directories added to the crawler queue for later processing.

Showing the search results

By default the search results are shown with no distinction between those from local TYPO3 pages, records indexed, the file path and external URLs. The only division that follows is that of the page on which the result is found.

However, you can configure to have a division of the search results into categories following the Indexing Configurations.

To obtain this categorization you must set TypoScript configuration in the Setup field like this:

packages/my_site_package/Configuration/Sets/MySet/setup.typoscript = 0,6,7,8
plugin.tx_indexedsearch.blind.freeIndexUid = 0

The "defaultFreeIndexUidList" is uid numbers of indexing configurations to show in the categorization! The order determines which are shown in top.

The categorization is only displayed, when the "Category" selector in the "Advanced" search form is set to "All categorized". You can preset the selector to use this setting by default: plugin.tx_indexedsearch.settings.defaultOptions.freeIndexUid.

For example:

plugin.tx_indexedsearch.settings.defaultOptions.freeIndexUid = -2

Searching in a specific category

In the advanced search users can pick a special category from the "Category" selector to limit results to this Indexing Configuration.

You can also limit the search form by default by setting 0 for pages or the UID of an Indexing Configuration for any other indexing type:

# Search only in pages
plugin.tx_indexedsearch.settings.defaultOptions.freeIndexUid = 0

# Search only in news, use uid of the Indexing Configuration
plugin.tx_indexedsearch.settings.defaultOptions.freeIndexUid = 42

Grouping several Indexing Configurations in one search category

You might find that you want to group the results from multiple Indexing Configurations in the same category.

This can be done by creating a special type of indexing configuration which only points to other Indexing Configurations:

  • Type: Meta configuration
  • Indexing Configurations (chose those that should be included)

This Indexing Configuration is not used during indexing but during searching only.

Disable frontend-initiated indexing

If you choose to index your site using Indexing Configurations you can disable indexing through the user requests in the frontend. This is done via the module Admin Tools > Settings > Extension Configuration.

Toggle the configuration option "Disable Indexing in Frontend".