TYPO3 v8 has reached its end-of-life March 31st, 2020 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.
There is no further ELTS support. It is recommended that you upgrade your project and use a supported version of TYPO3.
It is recommended to use FLUIDTEMPLATE instead of TEMPLATE. FLUIDTEMPLATE combines Fluid templates with TypoScript. This works very similar to TEMPLATE.
With this cObject you can define a template (e.g. an HTML file) which should be used as a basis for your whole website. Inside the template file you can define markers, which later will be replaced with dynamic content by TYPO3.
Data type
This must be loaded with the template-code. Usually this is done with a FILE cObject. If it is not loaded with code, the object returns nothing.
page.10 = TEMPLATE
page.10 {
template = FILE
template.file = fileadmin/template.html
This will use the file fileadmin/template.html as template for your website.
Data type
(array of cObjects)
This is an array of subpart-markers (case-sensitive).
A subpart is defined by two markers in the template. The markers must be wrapped by "###" on both sides. You may insert the subpart- markers inside HTML-comment-tags!
In the template there is the subpart "HELLO":
<!-- start of subpart ###HELLO### -->
This is the HTML code, that will be loaded in the register
and will be replaced with the result...
<!-- end ###HELLO### -->
The following TypoScript code now replaces the subpart "HELLO" with the text given in "value":
page.10.subparts {
HELLO.value = En subpart er blevet erstattet!
Before the content objects of each subpart are generated, all subparts in the array are extracted and loaded into the register so that you can load them from there later on.
The register-key for each subparts code is "SUBPART_[theSubpartkey]".
In addition the current-value is loaded with the content of each subpart just before the cObject for the subpart is parsed. That makes it quite easy to load the subpart of the cObject (e.g.: ".current = 1")
E.g. this subpart above has the register-key "SUBPART_HELLO".
This is valid ONLY if the property .nonCachedSubst is not set (see below)!
Data type
string / properties
Finds all relative references (e.g. to images or stylesheets) and prefixes this value.
If you specify properties (uppercase) these will match HTML tags and specify alternative paths for them. See example below.
If the property is named "style", it will set an alternative path for the "url()" wrapper that may be in <style> sections.
page.10 = TEMPLATE
page.10 {
template = FILE
template.file = fileadmin/template.html
relPathPrefix = fileadmin/
relPathPrefix.IMG = fileadmin/img/
In this example all relative paths found are prefixed with "fileadmin/" unless it was the src attribute of an img tag in which case the path is prefixed with "fileadmin/img/"
Data type
(array of cObjects)
This is an array of marks-markers (case-sensitive).
A mark is defined by one marker in the template. The marker must be wrapped by "###" on both sides. Opposite to subparts, you may not insert the subpart-markers inside HTML-comment-tags! (They will not be removed.)
In the template:
<div id="copyright">
© ###DATE###
The following TypoScript code now dynamically replaces the marker "DATE" with the current year:
page.10.marks {
DATE { = date : U
stdWrap.strftime = %Y
Marks are substituted by a str_replace-function. The subparts loaded in the register are also available to the cObjects of markers (only if .nonCachedSubst is not set!).
Data type
(array of cObjects)
This is an array of wraps-markers (case-sensitive).
This is shown best by an example:
In the template there is the subpart "MYLINK":
This is <!--###MYLINK###-->a link to my<!--###MYLINK###--> page!
With the following TypoScript code the subpart will be substituted by the wrap which is the content returned by the MYLINK cObject.
page.10.wraps {
MYLINK.value = <a href="#"> | </a>
Data type
string /stdWrap
This is an optional definition of a subpart, that we decide to work on. In other words; if you define this value that subpart is extracted from the template and is the basis for this whole template object.
### | ###
This is the wrap the markers are wrapped with. The default value is ### | ### resulting in the markers to be presented as ###[marker_key]###.
Any whitespace around the wrap-items is stripped before they are set around the marker_key.
Data type
boolean /stdWrap
If set, then marks are substituted in the content AFTER the substitution of subparts and wraps.
Normally marks are not substituted inside of subparts and wraps when you are using the default cached mode of the TEMPLATE cObject. That is a problem if you have marks inside of subparts! But setting this flag will make the marker-substitution a non-cached, subsequent process.
Another solution is to turn off caching, see below.
Data type
boolean /stdWrap
If set, then the substitution mode of this cObject is totally different. Normally the raw template is read and divided into the sections denoted by the marks, subparts and wraps keys. The good thing is high speed, because this "pre-parsed" template is cached. The bad thing is that templates that depend on incremental substitution (where the order of substitution is important) will not work so well.
By setting this flag, markers are first substituted by str_replace in the template - one by one. Then the subparts are substituted one by one. And finally the wraps one by one.
Obviously you loose the ability to refer to other parts in the template with the register-keys as described above.
page.10 = TEMPLATE
page.10 {
template = FILE
template.file = fileadmin/test.tmpl
subparts {
HELLO.value = This is the replaced subpart-code.
marks {
Testmark = TEXT
Testmark.value = This is replacing a simple marker in the HTML code.
workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT
In this example a template named test.tmpl is loaded and used. The subpart "HELLO" and the mark "Testmark" in the template file will be replaced with the output of the according cObjects.