TYPO3 v11 has reached end-of-life as of October 31st 2024 and is no longer being maintained. Use the version switcher on the top left of this page to select documentation for a supported version of TYPO3.
Need more time before upgrading? You can purchase Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) for TYPO3 v11 here: TYPO3 ELTS.
Create initial pages
In the next step, we create some initial pages. You and your editors will be able to create further pages, remove pages, enable and disable pages and shuffle pages around in the future. The following page tree is just an example as a starting point.
Go to module Web > Page. Assuming, we are using a fresh installation of TYPO3 as outlined in section Prerequisites, an almost empty area is shown in the page tree area. The only entry is the name of the website as defined during the installation process (e.g. "New TYPO3 site") with a grey TYPO3 logo.
By clicking the page icon with the "plus" at the top, and then dragging the "standard page" icon to its appropriate position in the page tree, you can build the following page tree. Enter the page names as shown (a double-click on the page name allows you to rename it).

Create initial pages
By default, all new pages are disabled (marked as a red icon at the bottom right). Enable all pages by clicking the "Enable" link in the context menu.

Enable pages in context menu
Once all pages have been created, you should end up with the following page tree.

Site configuration
The site configuration is stored in a file called
. For your convenience you
can create and edit this file with the backend module
Site Management > Sites.
The root page you just created should be listed in this module. Click on the button Add new site configuration beside that page to create a site configuration for it.
In the next step you can enter some basic information about the site.
The site identifier will can be arbitrary so we use "example_site" here. The entry point should be an URL pointing to the web root. In our example this is a URL generated by ddev.
In the next two tabs you can define error handling like a custom 404 and static
routes, for example to a robots.
. We do not cover these topics here.
Here you can read about Site handling in general.
After saving a new file should have been created in your project:
TypoScript template
Now we will add a TypoScript template to the site and include the TypoScript configuration we have created during the development of our sitepackage. Do not be confused about the terminology "template". In this context, we are referring to TypoScript templates, not HTML/CSS/JS templates.
Go to Web > Template and select the page named "". Then, click button "Create template for a new site" and change the dropdown box at the top to "Info/Modify". Click button "Edit the whole template record".

Edit the whole template record
This opens an editor for Constants and Setup. The latter contains a few example lines ("HELLO WORLD!"). Remove these lines, so that the box is completely empty.
Include the TypoScript of the EXT:sitepackage
Go to section Includes > Include static (from extensions).
You should find the item "Site Package (site_package)" in the list Available Items. Click on this item to make it appear in the list Selected Items.

Include the site package TypoScript template
Now save your changes by clicking the Save button at the top.
The item "Site Package" was created by the file
in the step
Make TypoScript available.
Preview the page
At this point, it is a good time to preview what we have achieved so far. Go to Web > View and try a few different screen widths. The two buttons at the top left of the screen (marker 1) allow you to show/hide the page tree and to minimize the function menu at the left.

The preview shows the frontend with a menu (NavBar) at the top. In a mobile view (narrow screen width), a button provides access to a toggle menu. However, only one link is shown in the menu: "Home". The other pages we have created in the backend are still missing. Besides the menu, a large "Hello, world!" greets the visitors of the website. This is the "Jumbotron"-partial. Below that, three columns are shown, each of them with a "Heading". In a mobile view, these columns stack on top of each other nicely.
Let's update the Fluid template files and implement a simple menu and enable dynamic content that can be edited in the TYPO3 backend in the next steps.