Extension Configuration

Composer configuration composer.json

If you are planning to work with a Composer-based installation (as we would advise) the extension needs to contain its own composer.json.

	"name": "t3docs/site-package",
	"type": "typo3-cms-extension",
	"description": "Example site package from the site package tutorial",
	"authors": [
			"name": "TYPO3 CMS Documentation Team",
			"role": "Developer",
			"homepage": "https://typo3.org/community/teams/documentation"
			"name": "The TYPO3 Community",
			"role": "Contributor",
			"homepage": "https://typo3.org/community/"
	"require": {
		"typo3/cms-core": "^11.5",
		"typo3/cms-fluid-styled-content": "^11.5"
	"homepage": "https://github.com/TYPO3-Documentation/TYPO3CMS-Tutorial-SitePackage-Code",
	"license": "MIT",
	"keywords": [
		"site package",
	"support": {
		"issues": "https://github.com/TYPO3-Documentation/TYPO3CMS-Tutorial-SitePackage-Code/issues"
	"autoload": {
		"psr-4": {
			"T3docs\\SitePackage\\": "Classes/"
	"extra": {
		"typo3/cms": {
			"extension-key": "site_package"

For historic reasons TYPO3 extension names have to be written in lower case separated by underscores. We suggest to use the extension key for the directory of the extension as well to minimize confusion. So the extension in the path site_package has to have the same "extension-key" to be defined in the "extra" section of the composer.json.

The Composer name defined as "name" however has to consist of a vendor name followed by a forward slash and the lowercase extension name with minus scores.

Extension declaration file ext_emconf.php

Since version 11 this file is only mandatory if you are not using Composer. If you are using Composer you can omit this file as it is ignored by TYPO3 anyway.

If you are using a TYPO3 version below 11 or need to refrain from using Composer for some reason create a file called ext_emconf.php in the root level of the extension. The content should look as follows:


    'title' => 'TYPO3 Site Package',
    'description' => 'TYPO3 Site Package',
    'category' => 'templates',
    'author' => 'TYPO3 Documentation Team',
    'author_email' => 'documentation@typo3.org',
    'author_company' => 'Example Company',
    'version' => '1.0.0',
    'state' => 'stable',
    'constraints' => [
        'depends' => [
            'typo3' => '11.4.0-11.5.99',
            'fluid_styled_content' => '11.4.0-11.5.99'
        'conflicts' => [
    'uploadfolder' => 0,
    'createDirs' => '',
    'clearCacheOnLoad' => 1

The values can and should be customized of course. A more meaningful and longer description is recommended.

A detailed description of all configuration options can be found in TYPO3 Explained: Declaration file.

Extension icon

Every extension can feature an icon using an SVG, PNG or GIF file. The image should be stored in Resources/Public/Icons/.

It is recommended that you use an SVG file called Extension.svg.

Make TypoScript available

In order to automatically load the TypoScript files we have created in the previous step, a new PHP file sys_template.php needs to be created and stored in directory Configuration/TCA/Overrides/. The content of this file should look like the following code:

defined('TYPO3') || die();

call_user_func(function () {
     * Extension key
    $extensionKey = 'site_package';

     * Add default TypoScript (constants and setup)
        'Site Package'

Directory and file structure

Let's review the directory and file structure of the sitepackage extension as it stands now.

  • site_package/

    • Configuration/

      • TCA/

        • Overrides/

          • sys_template.php
      • TypoScript/

        • constants.typoscript
        • setup.typoscript
    • Resources/

      • Private/

        • Layouts/

          • Page/

            • Default.html
        • Partials/

          • Page/

            • Jumbotron.html
        • Templates/

          • Page/

            • Default.html
      • Public/

        • Css/

          • website.css
        • Icons

          • Extension.svg
        • Images/

          • logo.png
        • JavaScript/

          • website.js
    • composer.json
    • ext_emconf.php

At this point we can install the sitepackage extension in a TYPO3 instance, which we will do in the next step.