
If you find any errors or have feature requests please contact us on github.

What does it do?

This extension integrates the popular DocCheck Login service with your TYPO3 website. It is currently maintained by antwerpes ag (a subsidiary of DocCheck AG).

  • It supports the basic functionality by logging in a dummy frontend user whenever someone has been authorized by DocCheck.

  • It supports the UniqueKey-Feature (optional, requires license Economy or higher), which allows you to identify returning visitors, by creating one frontend user per unique DocCheck user.

  • It supports the DocCheck Routing-Feature family, allowing you to configure different frontend user groups for different routing targets.

  • It supports the DocCheck Personal-Feature (optional, requires license Business and the UniqueKey-Feature), which will augment your unique DocCheck user by some person-related data – given, that the user agrees to this data transmission.

  • It supports the DocCheck Crawling-Feature to add your protected content in the DocCheck Search Engine index. With this powerful feature your valuable content will be searchable for healthcare professionals.


Configuration screen

This are the extension configuration screens that are reachable from the TYPO3 backend.

For this navigate to SettingsExtension Configurationtypo3_docchecklogin


Configuration screen: Basic

Configuration screen: Basic


Configuration screen: Economy

Configuration screen: Economy


Configuration screen: Business

Configuration screen: Business


Configuration screen: Crawling

Configuration screen: Crawling

Plugin configuration

The settings within the plugin flexform

Configuration screen: Crawling

Configuration screen: Crawling

Frontend view

Language will vary.

Default Login-Form

Default Login-Form