Extend Existing PDFs

It is possible to use existing PDFs as template and extend the PDF where needed. You can either load the template PDF within the TypoScript settings or within the Fluid template itself.


plugin.tx_pdfviewhelpers.settings {
        config {
                class = Bithost\Pdfviewhelpers\Model\BasePDF
        document {
                sourceFile = EXT:pdfviewhelpers/Resources/Public/Examples/ExtendExistingPDFs/pdf_template.pdf
        page {
                importPage = 1
                importPageOnAutomaticPageBreak = 1

Fluid Template

{namespace pdf=Bithost\Pdfviewhelpers\ViewHelpers}

<pdf:document sourceFile="EXT:pdfviewhelpers/Resources/Public/Examples/ExtendExistingPDFs/pdf_template.pdf">
        <pdf:page importPage="1" margin="{top: 80, right: 20, bottom: 40, left: 20}" importPageOnAutomaticPageBreak="0">
                <pdf:text>Your own text is shown here.</pdf:text>