
This ViewHelper may wrap any composition of other ViewHelpers. It tries its best to avoid a page break within its children elements. Note that this ViewHelper needs to render its children two times to determine whether a page break is needed or not. This has a negative impact on the performance as well as might create other undesired side effects.

                <pdf:headline>Welcome to the extension pdfviewhelpers</pdf:headline>
                <pdf:text>Lorem ipsum.</pdf:text>

                        <pdf:headline>Some more information</pdf:headline>
                                        <pdf:text>Lorem ipsum.</pdf:text>
                                        <pdf:image src="EXT:pdfviewhelpers/Resources/Public/Examples/BasicUsage/Bithost.jpg"/>
                                        <pdf:text padding="{top: 1}" color="#8C8C8C">Esteban Gehring, Markus Mächler</pdf:text>