
This ViewHelper renders an image given as src. As src argument you may provide a valid TYPO3 path or an object implementing TYPO3 FAL FileInterface (e.g. File or FileReference).

<pdf:image src="EXT:pdfviewhelpers/Resources/Public/Example/Bithost.jpg" width="200" />
<pdf:image src="{file}" width="50%" alignment="center" link="" />
<pdf:image src="{fileReference}" width="100" alignment="right" padding="{right: 10}" fitOnPage="0" />

The Image ViewHelper supports image processing using the processingInstructions attribute. The attribute value is directly passed to ImageService->applyProcessingInstructions, thus it supports all configurations supported by this method. There is no need to set the crop or cropVariant in the processingInstructions in case you use the default crop of a file object.

<pdf:image src="{file}" processingInstructions="{maxWidth: '600'}" />
<pdf:image src="{file}" processingInstructions="{width: '200c'}" width="200" />
<pdf:image src="{file}" processingInstructions="{cropVariant: 'pdf_crop'}" />
<pdf:image src="{file}" processingInstructions="{cropVariant: 'pdf_crop', crop: cropArrayOrString}" />