
From version 2.x to version 3.0

In version 3.0 the compatibility with TYPO3 v10 LTS was removed. Also PHP 8.1 or higher is necessary.

Type model classes

The type models classes were previously registered via a Configuration/TxSchema/TypeModels.php file. This file is not recognised anymore, you have to mark a type model class with the attribute \Brotkrueml\Schema\Attributes\Type now. See the Adding types section for more information.

Additionally, the static property $propertyNames of a type model class is now type-hinted as an array.

+ use Brotkrueml\Schema\Attributes\Type;

+ #[Type('MyCustomType')]
  final class MyCustomType extends AbstractType
-     protected static $propertyNames = [
+     protected static array $propertyNames = [
         // ... the properties ...

View helpers

Custom view helpers need to specify a property which holds the name of the type:

  final class MyCustomTypeViewHelper extends AbstractTypeViewHelper
+     protected string $type = 'MyCustomType';

Type factory

The call of the static method \Brotkrueml\Schema\Type\TypeFactory::createType() has been deprecated. Instead, inject the TypeFactory into the constructor and use the new create() method:



 namespace MyVendor\MyExtension\Controller;

 use Brotkrueml\Schema\Type\TypeFactory;

 final class MyController
+    public function __construct(
+        private readonly TypeFactory $typeFactory,
+    ) {
+    }

     public function doSomething(): void
         // ...

-        $person = TypeFactory::createType('Person');
+        $person = $this->typeFactory->create('Person');

         // ...

From version 1.x to version 2.0

In version 2.0 the compatibility with TYPO3 v9 LTS was removed. Also PHP 7.4 or higher is necessary.


The signal/slots were removed:

  • registerAdditionalTypeProperties

  • shouldEmbedMarkup

You can migrate the slots easily to the PSR-14 event listeners:

Previous slot (in ext_localconf.php):

$signalSlotDispatcher = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(

PSR-14 event listener (in Configuration/Services.yaml):

   # Place here the default dependency injection configuration

         - name: event.listener
           identifier: 'myAdditionalPropertiesForPerson'

You can find more information about the PSR-14 event listeners in the chapter PSR-14 events.

Removed Deprecations

The following deprecated methods and classes were removed:

  • \Brotkrueml\Schema\Core\Model\AbstractType->isEmpty()

  • \Brotkrueml\Schema\Manager\SchemaManager->setMainEntityOfWebPage()

  • \Brotkrueml\Schema\Provider\TypesProvider

For the migration follow the instructions on the deprecations chapter.

Markup is embedded by default on "noindex" pages

In schema version 1.x the markup was not embedded on "noindex" pages (with installed SEO system extension). In version 2 the markup is embedded by default also on these pages. You can deactivate this behaviour in the extension configuration.

Also in version 1.x a PSR-14 event \Brotkrueml\Schema\Event\ShouldEmbedMarkupEvent was available to change the default behaviour of not embedding the markup on "noindex" pages. With the new configuration option this is not necessary anymore and event listeners for this event must be removed.