
Target group: Developers, Integrators

Site configuration

To configure the extension, go to Site Management > Sites and select the appropriate site configuration. Click on the Matomo Integration tab:

Options in the site configuration

Options in the site configuration



Enter the URL of your Matomo instance (without matomo.php at the end).

New in version 2.3

Relative URLs can be used, like //

Site ID
Enter the site ID for the website.


Track users with JavaScript disabled

If this option is enabled, users with JavaScript disabled will be tracked. Technically, a <noscript> tag is embedded in the web page.

Default: disabled

Require consent

Activating this option has a positive impact on privacy.

Enable this option when a consent manager is used which sets up consent tracking: no tracking request will be sent to Matomo and no cookies will be set. For more information have a look into Implementing tracking or cookie consent with the Matomo JavaScript Tracking Client.

Default: disabled

Require cookie consent

Activating this option has a positive impact on privacy.

Enable this option when a consent manager is used which sets up consent tracking: tracking requests will still be sent but no cookies will be set. For more information have a look into Implementing tracking or cookie consent with the Matomo JavaScript Tracking Client.

Default: disabled

Cookie tracking

Activating this option has a negative impact on privacy.

Activating this option enables cookies tracking.

Default: enabled

File tracking

Activating this option has a negative impact on privacy.

This option has been introduced with Matomo 5 and enables the file:// protocol tracking.

Default: disabled

Link tracking

This option enables the download and outlink tracking.

Default: enabled

Performance tracking

This option enables the tracking of performance data.

Default: enabled

Heart beat timer

Enable this option when you want to accurately measure the time spent in the visit.

Default: disabled

Disable browser feature detection

Activating this option has a positive impact on privacy.

This option disables the browser feature detection.

Default: disabled (browser features are detected)

Disable campaign parameters

New in version 2.2

Activating this option has a positive impact on privacy.

By default, Matomo will send campaign parameters (mtm, utm, etc.) to the tracker and record that information. Some privacy regulations may not allow for this information to be collected. If this applies to you, activate this method to prevent campaign parameters from being sent to the tracker.

Default: disabled (campaign parameters are sent)

Respect "Do not track" browser setting

This option prevents requests and cookies when people don't want to be tracked.

Default: disabled

Track all content impressions

If you use content tracking you can enable this option when you want to track all content impressions on a page.

Default: disabled

Track visible content impressions

If you use content tracking you can enable this option when you want to track visible content impressions on a page.

Default: disabled

Track error pages

If you have configured the error handling and enable this option, the document title will be set as described in the Matomo FAQ: How to track error pages. You can customise the document title in the field "Document title template for tracking of error pages"

Default: disabled

Track JavaScript errors

With this option enabled JavaScript errors are tracked.

Default: disabled

Document title template for tracking of error pages

Adapt the template for the document title to your needs with the option "Track error pages" enabled. You can use the following variables:

The status code of the error (for example, 404, 500).
The path of the URL where the error occurred.
The referrer.

Default: {statusCode}/URL = {path}/From = {referrer}

Tag Manager

Container IDs

If you use the Matomo Tag Manager, enter the container IDs in this field. If no value is given, the tag manager code will not be embedded in the web page.

Default: empty string

Examples for possible values:

  • Live: l2UO6eVk
  • Dev: l2UO6eVk_dev_600e4be39a8bfd98bf71f295
  • Staging: l2UO6eVk_staging_6584c7e4727fcb9180530d6d

Multiple container IDs can be configured, separated by a comma, for example: l2UO6eVk,gu8CuJ6Q.

Debug Mode

When debug mode is enabled, various debug messages are logged on the developer console.

Default: disabled