Changelog for release 9.5.0


  • [FEATURE] Allow content slide configuration for all layouts and colPos (15.08.2019, cdf9996 by Roman)
  • [FEATURE] Adds static template for extension felogin (20.07.2019, 3e8973f by Roman)
  • [FEATURE] Enables side navigation content sliding (30.05.2019, 5ac986d by Roman)


  • [BUGFIX] Corrects issue with scss dependency (15.08.2019, b7f11cf by Roman)
  • [BUGFIX] Disable rendering of footer-section-meta if all containing elements are disabled (15.08.2019, 57a4559 by Roman)
  • [TASK] Adapts to bootstrap_package commit 8a02a624 (15.08.2019, f98f1fc by Roman)
  • [BUGFIX] Add missing aria-label translations for breadcrumb and nav toggle (15.08.2019, 9f41c34 by Roman)
  • [BUGFIX] Corrects embedding from favicons (12.06.2019, 56f1a7b by Roman)
  • [BUGFIX] Corrects rendering from footer (depends on showFooter) (30.05.2019, 7bb3286 by Roman)
  • [BUGFIX] tt_address: adds display mode map to list template (25.05.2019, b38b271 by Roman)
  • [BUGFIX] Corrects TS embedding for tt_address (25.05.2019, 5294c1b by Roman)
  • [BUGFIX] Corrects TS constants to avoid depreciation log entries (24.05.2019, b1423f6 by Roman)

Breaking changes

Generated by

git log 9.3.0.. --pretty="* %s (%cd, %h by %an)" --date=format:%d.%m.%Y --abbrev-commit --grep FEATURE
git log 9.3.0.. --pretty="* %s (%cd, %h by %an)" --date=format:%d.%m.%Y --abbrev-commit --grep BUGFIX
git log 9.3.0.. --pretty="* %s (%cd, %h by %an)" --date=format:%d.%m.%Y --abbrev-commit --grep BREAK

Note: The above list contains just commits marked with FEATURE, BUGFIX, BREAK. Complementary commits are available at Github.