

A popover in the front end

A popover in the front end

Popovers show additional information in a small window. Mainly they are associated with a link (see popovers component from bootstrap framework).

Create a popover

This extension provides an easy way to use popovers by defining them in the RTE editor:

  1. Select the text that should be associated with a popover
  2. Click the create link button
  3. In the link browser dialog select the register Popover
  4. Select the class Popover and define the title and content
Register popover in link browser

Register popover in link browser

Adjust a popover

To adjust a popovers behaviour related attributes might be added to the link tag. The following link results in a popover showing up when hovering over the link text where clicking on it loads the TYPO3 home page.

<a class="pp-popover" data-trigger="hover" href="t3://pppopover?href=;content=A+text" title="A title">item</a>


The popover content is parsed the same way as the RTE text by using the configuration from lib.parseFunc_RTE hence TYPO3 specific links can be used (e.g. t3://page?uid=6).

Data from type getText

The getText data type can be enabled for the RTE editor. It allows to get various data from a web site. As an example a translated text might be retrieved depending on the currently selected page language. For this users might reference data by using curly brackets within the editor (see example):

Use of localized text within the editor

Use of localized text within the editor


You might reference other content as defined by the “getText” data type.

The feature can be enabled through the constant editor selecting the category PIZPALUE: CUSTOMER EXTENDED (constant: pizpalue.features.content.insertData).


Enabling this feature allows editors to output sensitive data. Enable it only if security isn’t compromised.

Pizpalue classes


These classes act on the element they are assigned to.

Class Usage
pp-bg-primary Applies the primary color to the background
pp-bg-secondary Applies the secondary color to the background
pp-bg-complementary Applies the complementary color to the background
pp-bg-light Applies the light color to the background
pp-bg-dark Applies the dark color to the background
pp-bg-centercover Centers the background and sizes it to cover the area.
pp-bg-fixed Fixes the background. The result is a parallax effect. Due to mobile devices not supporting this feature fully it is generally disabled on mobile devices.

Card backgrounds

Class Usage
pp-card-primary Applies the primary color to the card background
pp-card-secondary Applies the secondary color to the card background
pp-card-complementary Applies the complementary color to the card background
pp-card-light Applies the light color to the card background
pp-card-dark Applies the dark color to the card background

Content element

These classes act on content element wrappers.

Class Usage
pp-frame-collapsible Applies a negative top margin to compensate the top padding
pp-inner-margin Applies a margin to the inner container
pp-inner-padding Applies a padding to the inner container
pp-inner-bgwhite70 Applies a white background with 70% opacity to the inner container
pp-inner-bggrey70 Applies a grey background with 70% opacity to the inner container
pp-inner-bgblack70 Applies a black background with 70% opacity to the inner container

Content element transformation

These classes transform a content element. They influence various elements and might be used in JS.

Class Usage
pp-ce-overlaycard Render an overlay card when being assigned to a text & image content element.
(DEPRECATED since 30.6.2021) An overlay card is characterized by an animation taking place when the user hovers over the image. The animation fades in the text from the content element. DEPRECATED: Use Picture with overlay content element


These classes are used in templating or together with JS.

Class Usage
pp-label-dataprotection Used in content element to define a replacement text for a data protection notice check box (see contact page).
pp-below-header Used to shift a content element below the page header by applying a negative top margin.
pp-extend-link Assign this class to a link to make the closest ancestor container with class frame-container linked to the same url. Alternatively the ancestor container can be defined by the class ppc-el-[ancestorclass name].
ppc-el-[ancestor class name] Used in conjunction with the class pp-extend-link. Overwrites the default link ancestor. Replace [ancestor class name] with the class used in the ancestor container. As an example when assigning the classes pp-extend-link ppc-el-up-my-container to an a-tag the closest ancestor from the link having the class up-my-container assigned to will be linked to the same url as defined in the a-tag.


The following classes are used in the context of the real text editor.

Class Usage
pp-popover Used to control the behaviour from popovers. Popovers that were triggered from elements having this class close when the user clicks outside the popover.