Content elements


Content element schema in content element wizard


The schema content element is used to insert structured data in JSON-LD format into the body tag by means of a script tag. It allows to use placeholders in the JSON-LD code for TS constants, getText data types and the processedData array. The following table shows some placeholder examples:

Placeholder example Type Description
{$pizpalue.customer.contactName} TS Constant Used as for TS setup: {$constantName}
{data:field:teaser} getText Wrap getText definition with {data:|}. When using the key field data from the current content record (tt_content) is obtained.
{parentData:field:teaser} getText Wrap getText definition with {data:|}. When using the key field data from the parent record is obtained. Option split can be used. Example: {parentData:field:seo_title // field:title}
{processedData:schemaImages.0} {processedData:breadcrumb} processedData array

Wrap the processedData array path with {processedData:|}

In case the value from the processedData array is an instance of FileReference the url to the file is obtained.

In case the path is breadcrumb a breadcrumb json markup is obtained, assuming the breadcrumb data has been created with the MenuProcessor.


Additionally the obtained data can be passed to a function. The following functions are available:

Function Example usage Description
entityEncodeChars {} Each character from will be converted to its entity. For example i will be converted to i
newLineToRn {func:newLineToRn:{data:field:teaser}} Converts line breaks to the character sequence \r\n.
stripTags {func:stripTags:{data:field:teaser}} Applies the php function strip_tags to the content.


In the content element an image and a text can be defined. They might be used in the JSON-LD data with the following placeholders:

Content Placeholder
Text {data:field:teaser}
Image {processedData:schemaImages.0}


Double quotes can’t be used in the teaser text field since they identify the json attribute values. Use single quotes instead or escape them (\").


For this example an image as well as a text have been added to the content element. The image will be used for the logo and the text for the description property.

JSON-LD-code in content element:

  "@context" : "",
  "@type" : "Organization",
  "name": "{$}",
  "email": "{func:entityEncodeChars:{$pizpalue.customer.contactEmail}}",
  "telephone": "{$pizpalue.customer.contactPhone}",
  "faxNumber": "{$pizpalue.customer.contactFax}",
  "url" : "https://www.{$pizpalue.customer.domain}",
  "logo": "{processedData:schemaImages.0}",
  "description": "{func:newLineToRn:{data:field:teaser}}",
  "address": {
    "@type": "PostalAddress",
    "addressLocality": "{$pizpalue.customer.contactCity}, Switzerland",
    "postalCode": "CH-{$pizpalue.customer.contactZip}",
    "streetAddress": "{$pizpalue.customer.contactAddress}"
  "contactPoint" : [
    { "@type" : "ContactPoint",
      "telephone" : "{$pizpalue.customer.contactPhone}",
      "contactType" : "customer service"

JSON-LD-code embedded into body tag:

  "@context" : "",
  "@type" : "Organization",
  "name": "Company GmbH",
  "email": "",
  "telephone": "111 111 11 11",
  "faxNumber": "111 111 11 12",
  "url" : "",
  "logo": "",
  "description": "Development of mobile phones powered by proprietary OS to guarantee privacy.",
  "address": {
    "@type": "PostalAddress",
    "addressLocality": "Ort, Switzerland",
    "postalCode": "CH-1111",
    "streetAddress": "Strasse 1"
  "contactPoint" : [
    { "@type" : "ContactPoint",
      "telephone" : "111 111 11 11",
      "contactType" : "customer service"