Why do you not include a nice CSS stylesheet?¶
Because you normally customize templates/stylesheets to your needs. Therefore the extension just comes with a rudementary CSS stylesheet available in EXT:Resources/Public/Css/events_default.css which must be included manually like shown below:
page.includeCSS {
events = EXT:sf_event_mgt/Resources/Public/Css/events_default.css
Is it possible to extend events/registrations with own fields?¶
Yes, since version 3.0 of the extension, you can add additional Registration field on event basis.
You can also extend sf_event_mgt with own fields (e.g. new fields for Event). I have created a demo extension, which shows how to add new fields to the event and registration domain model.
Demo Extension: https://github.com/derhansen/sf_event_mgt_extend_demo
The extension contains a short manual (README.md) how to add your own fields to existing domain models.
How do I export registered participants to a CSV file?¶
Please use the CSV export action as described in Backend module section.
How do I create a custom e-mail notification?¶
A detailed description can be found in the Custom notifications section.
Can I add the HMAC or an appended HMAC of the registration UID to e-mails?¶
Yes, you can use the following objects in you e-mail templates
- {hmac} = HMAC of uid
- {reghmac} = appended uid+HMAC
Is it possible to filter by categories in the listview¶
Yes, filtering of events by a category is possible if you pass the category to the overwriteDemand setting of the listview.:
<f:link.action action="list" controller="Event" arguments="{overwriteDemand:{category: category}}">{category.title}</f:link.action>
This only works, if you create links with f:link.action as shown above. If you want to display the categories in a select-box, then I suggest you create a CSS only select box (e.g. UL menu)
When does {event.registrationPossible} return TRUE¶
For each event, the attribute registrationPossible returns TRUE or FALSE, if registration for the event is possible. TRUE is returned, when all conditions below are
- Registration option is activated for the event
- Max participants is not reached (if max. participants > 0) or max participants is not reached and waitlist is enabled
- Date set at registration deadline is not reached
- Startdate of event is not reached
Why does the extenion not support recurring events?¶
The user registration is one of the main features of the extension and it requires, that every event is unique in order to save registrations for a particular event. This makes it impossible to only have one event record, that has multiple recurrences.
Since there is no smart way to add recurring events to the extension without making it more complex and harder to maintain, this feature will not make it into the extension.
How can I disable double opt in for event registration?¶
You can enable autoConfirmation for new registrations as described in the TypoScript reference section. With autoConfirmation enabled, new registrations will automatically be confirmed and the user will not receive a confirmation e-mail.
How does the simultaneous registration process work?¶
If the field “Max. simultaneous registrations per user” is set to a value greater than 1 for the given event, a user is able to create multiple registrations at once. If the user in the registration view chooses to create more than one registration, there will be created the given amount of registrations in the backend for the user. All fields (e.g. firstname, lastname, email) will contain the same values.
The first registration saved is the “main registration”, and all other registrations saved later will depend on the “main registration”. All “dependent registrations” will automatically get the option “No e-mail notifications” set to true, so custom notifications are only sent to the e-mail address of the “main registration”.
If automatic confirmation is turned off (default), the user has to confirm the registration by clicking a link in the confirmation e-mail. When the user confirms the registration, all “dependent registrations” of the “main registration will automatically also be confirmed.
How can I set a default currency?¶
You can set default values for many fields in TYPO3 by using TCAdefaults. To set a default value for the currency field, add the following to the Page TSConfig, which sets € as the default currency for new records:
TCAdefaults {
tx_sfeventmgt_domain_model_event.currency = €
How to make the field “Accept terms and conditions” mandatory¶
The field “Accept terms and conditions” is part of the registration domain model, but it is not required during registration. To make the field required, add the field to the list of required field like shown below:
plugin.tx_sfeventmgt {
settings {
registration {
requiredFields = accepttc
How do I add my own custom translations¶
You can override all language files with your own translations/labels. As an example, the following code
overrides/extends the locallang_db.xlf
and the locallang.xlf
Add this example code to a ext_localconf.php
file (e.g. in a site package extension).:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['locallangXMLOverride']['de']['EXT:sf_event_mgt/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf'][] = 'EXT:your_ext/Resources/Private/Language/de.custom_locallang_db.xlf';
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['locallangXMLOverride']['de']['EXT:sf_event_mgt/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf'][] = 'EXT:your_ext/Resources/Private/Language/de.custom_locallang.xlf';
How can I use the overwriteDemand feature for the search view¶
It is also possible to use the overwriteDemand feature for the search view in order to limit the events that the search result includes. If you for example wish to limit the search to a special category, you must pass the category UID as shown below (teh value field contains the category UID).:
<f:form.textfield name="overwriteDemand[category]" value="1"/>
How can I add pagination to the listview?¶
You can use the Paginate ViewHelper that comes with TYPO3 Fluid. Below follows example code which should be added to the List-Template.:
<f:widget.paginate objects="{events}" as="paginatedEvents" configuration="{itemsPerPage: 5, insertAbove: 1, insertBelow: 1, maximumNumberOfLinks: 10, addQueryStringMethod: 'POST,GET'}">
<f:for each="{paginatedEvents}" as="event">
<f:render partial="Event/ListItem" arguments="{_all}"/>
How does the payment process work¶
For each event with registration enabled, you can also enable payment. If payment is enabled, you can output available payment methods for the event in the registration form. When a user registers for an event, he can select a payment method.
The extension comes with 2 default payment methods “debit” and “transfer”. Both payment methods do not include any further payment processing.
It is possible to extend the extension with own payment methods that include furter payment processing (e.g. by an external payment provider).
For more information on how to add custom payment methods, see Payment section
The default payment methods are missing¶
Open the extension settings in the extension manager and press the “Save” button.
Configured price options do not show up in frontend¶
Make sure that the date for the price option is valid also make sure, that you use {event.currentPrice}
in your
Fluid template to output the current price.
How can I use the iCalDownload action in the Listview?¶
The switchableControllerAction for the ListView does not allow to call the iCalDownload action. With the following Fluid snippet, you can also use the iCalDownload in the listview:
<f:link.action action="icalDownload" arguments="{event : event}" pageUid="{settings.detailPid}"><f:translate key="event.icalDownload" /></f:link.action>
Note, that you have to set the pageUid to a page with the detail view plugin.
Why does the next/previous month links not work for the calendar view ?¶
The next/presious links use the overwriteDemand
feature, which by default is disabled. Make sure you have
unchecked the Disable overwrite demand setting in the plugin.
How do I show the event title as page title on the detail page?¶
You can either use a SEO extension (e.g. ext:cs_seo), which has a custom and configurable page title rendering function or you can use the title-ViewHelper of this extension.
How do I set the indexed search title for an event?¶
Use the title-ViewHelper of this extension.
The Payment Plugin throws exception about missing default controller¶
The page with the Payment Plugin shows the following error:
The default controller for extension "SfEventMgt" and plugin "Pipayment" can not be determined. Please check for TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin() in your ext_localconf.php
Please delete the content element with the Payment Plugin and create a blank content element of type “Plugin” and next directly select the Payment Plugin from the plugins select box.
If the plugin originally was a plugin with Flexform settings and switchableControllerActions, those settings will remain in the database field pi_flexform and lead to the described error.
How do can I move registrations on the waitlist automativally up, if a registered user cancels a registration?¶
You should use the signal cancelRegistrationActionWaitlistMoveUp
Images and/or image attributes do not get translated¶
Translation of FAL object in Extbase is broken in TYPO3 up to version 8.7. Please refer to the following forge issue and use ext:repair_translation.
Forge issue: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/57272 Extension - Repair Translation: https://github.com/froemken/repair_translation
Event registrations get confirmed by search engines¶
Under certain conditions with extensions that create sitemaps it may happen, that a confirmation link of a
registration email gets added to the sitemap and afterwards visited by a search engine crawler.
This behavior has at least been seen when the extension metaseo
has been used to create a sitemap.
In order to avoid the registration link from being added to the sitemap, the page with the registration plugin needs to be excluded from the sitemap, i.e. use “Exclude from sitemap” in the page settings or by other means (e.g. blacklist in EXT:metaseo).
Use https://github.com/derhansen/sf_event_mgt/issues/597 for further details/discussion.
Displaying events using the “Insert Record” content element¶
If you display events using the “Insert Record” content element, you may want to use a different layout to display
the event detail view. For this purpose, you can use {settings.detail.isShortcut}
in the Detail.html Fluid
Template to render a different layout.