Template objects

The following objects are available in the different views.

Please have a look at the templates included with the extension, since they show many of the properties of the given objects and how to use them.

Tip: You can use <f:debug>{object}</f:debug> in your template to see available properties of each object.

Plugin: Events and event-registration

List view

Object: Description:
{events} An object holding all events that matched the configured demand in the plugin settings
{categories} All configured categories for the category menu (see plugin.tx_sfeventmgt.settings.categoryMenu in the Events and event-registration)
{locations} All available locations
{organisators} All available organisators
{speakers} All available speakers
{eventDemand} The eventDemand object
{overwriteDemand} The overwriteDemand object
{contentObjectData} The current content object of the plugin
{pageData} The current page data

Detail view

Object: Description:
{event} An object holding the given event
{contentObjectData} The current content object of the plugin
{pageData} The current page data

Registration view

Object: Description:
{event} An object holding the given event
{contentObjectData} The current content object of the plugin
{pageData} The current page data

Calendar view

Object: Description:
{events} An array holding all events for the current calendar month
{weeks} An array holding all events grouped by week and day
{categories} All configured categories for the category menu (see plugin.tx_sfeventmgt.settings.categoryMenu in the Events and event-registration)
{locations} All available locations
{organisators} All available organisators
{speakers} All available speakers
{eventDemand} The eventDemand object
{overwriteDemand} The overwriteDemand object
{currentPageId} The PID of the current page
{firstDayOfMonth} DateTime object with the first day of the current month
{previousMonthConfig} Array with date, month and year of the previous month
{nextMonthConfig} Array with date, month and year of the next month
{contentObjectData} The current content object of the plugin
{pageData} The current page data

Search view

Object: Description:
{events} An object holding all events that matched the configured demand in the plugin settings and the given searchdemand
{categories} All available categories
{locations} All available locations
{organisators} All available organisators
{speakers} All available speakers
{searchDemand} The searchDemand object
{overwriteDemand} The overwriteDemand object
{contentObjectData} The current content object data
{pageData} The current page data

Notification views

The following objects can be used in notification views

Object: Description:
{event} An object holding the given event
{registration} An object holding the given registration
{settings} An array of extension settings
{hmac} HMAC for the registration UID
{reghmac} Appended HMAC for the registration UID

E-Mail subjects

The following objects can be used in e-mail subjects for event registration and custom notifications

Object: Description:
{event} An object holding the event for a registration
{registration} An object holding the registration

Registration message views

Registration message views are cancelRegistration, confirmRegistration and saveRegistrationResult

Object: Description:
{event} An object holding the given event

iCalendar view

The iCalendar view is used to render an iCal file which can be downloaded by the user for the given event. Please note, that the iCalendar view is a simple textfile. If you choose to extend the view, be sure that new fields are compliant with RFC 5545 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545

Object: Description:
{event} An object holding the given event

Plugin: Events and event-registration - FE user registrations

List view

Object: Description:
{registrations} An object holding all registrations that matched the configured demand in the plugin settings