Signal slots


Signals are currently only used in the actions of the payment controller to control the behavior of the output and the processing of the payment of a registration.

Class: Name: Arguments: Description:
DERHANSENSfEventMgtControllerEvent listActionBeforeRenderView &$values, $this Signal is called before rendering the list view. An array with all view values is passed by reference.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtControllerEvent calendarActionBeforeRenderView &$values, $this Signal is called before rendering the calendar view. An array with all view values is passed by reference.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtControllerEvent detailActionBeforeRenderView &$values, $this Signal is called before rendering the detail view. An array with all view values is passed by reference.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtControllerEvent registrationActionBeforeRenderView &$values, $this Signal is called before rendering the registration view. An array with all view values is passed by reference.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtControllerEvent saveRegistrationActionAfterRegistrationSaved $registration, $this Signal is called after a registration is saved. The registration is passed to the signal.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtControllerEvent saveRegistrationActionBeforeCreateDependingRegistrations $registration, &$createDependingRegistrations, $this Signal is called before depending registrations are created. $createDependingRegistrations is passed by reference.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtControllerEvent confirmRegistrationActionAfterRegistrationConfirmed $registration, $this Signal is called after a registration has been confirmed. The registration is passed to the signal.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtControllerEvent confirmRegistrationActionBeforeRenderView &$values, $this Signal is called before rendering the confirmRegistration view. An array with all view values is passed by reference.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtControllerEvent cancelRegistrationActionWaitlistMoveUp $event, $this Signal is after a registration is cancelled. Use this signal to move registrations from the waitlist up to the confirmed registrations.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtControllerEvent cancelRegistrationActionBeforeRenderView &$values, $this Signal is called before rendering the cancelRegistration view. An array with all view values is passed by reference.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtControllerEvent searchActionBeforeRenderView &$values, $this Signal is called before rendering the search view. An array with all view values is passed by reference.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtControllerPayment ‘redirectActionBeforeRedirect’ + ucfirst($paymentMethod) &$values, &$updateRegistration, $registration, $this Signal is called before rendering the redirect view. Use this signal to create the views HTML content, that redirects the user to the payment providers payment page.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtControllerPayment ‘successActionProcessSuccess’ + ucfirst($paymentMethod) &$values, &$updateRegistration, $registration, GeneralUtility::_GET(), $this Signal is called before rendering the success view. Use this signal to create the views HTML content and also use this signal to modify the payment status of the registration after a successful payment.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtControllerPayment ‘failureActionProcessFailure’ + ucfirst($paymentMethod) &$values, &$updateRegistration, &$removeRegistration, $registration, GeneralUtility::_GET(), $this Signal is called before rendering the failure view. Use this signal to create the views HTML content and also use this signal to modify/delete the registration after a failed payment.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtControllerPayment ‘cancelActionProcessCancel’ + ucfirst($paymentMethod) &$values, &$updateRegistration, &$removeRegistration, $registration, GeneralUtility::_GET(), $this Signal is called before rendering the cancel view. Use this signal to create the views HTML content and also use this signal to modify/delete the registration after a cancelled payment.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtControllerPayment ‘notifyActionProcessNotify’ + ucfirst($paymentMethod) &$values, &$updateRegistration, $registration, GeneralUtility::_GET(), $this Signal is called before rendering the notify view. Use this signal to create the views HTML content and also use this signal to modify the registration when the payment provider supports a server to server nofitication URL.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtDomainModelRepositoryEventRepository findDemandedModifyQueryConstraints &$constraints, $query, $eventDemand, $this Signal is called after all query constraints are collected. The signal enables the possibility to add/modify the query constraints for the findDemanded function. Very usefull, when you extend the eventDemand with custom properties.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtServiceNotificationService sendAdminMessageAfterNotificationSent $registration, $body, $subject, $attachments, $senderName, $senderEmail, $this Signal is called after all admin messages have been sent. Use this signal, if you want to send additional admin notifications (e.g. to speakers). Note, that the signal only gets called, when either “Notify Admin” or “Notify Organisator” is checked.
DERHANSENSfEventMgtServiceNotificationService sendUserMessageAfterNotificationSent $registration, $body, $subject, $attachments, $senderName, $senderEmail, $replyToEmail, $this Signal is called after a user message has been sent. Use this signal, if you want to send additional notifications (e.g. BCC of the user email to an additional e-mail address).
DERHANSENSfEventMgtServiceNotificationService sendUserMessageCustomSenderData &$senderName, &$senderEmail, &$replyToEmail, $registration, $type, $this Signal is called before a user message will be sent. Use this signal, if you want to modify the sender data (e-mail address, name and reply-to) to a custom value (e.g. set sender e-mail address to e-mail address of organisator)