Custom notifications

If you use the registration option for events, you have to possibility to send custom notifications to participants of the event. In order to do so, use the admin module to open the “Notify participants” view.

Actions of the backend module

Create an own notification

To create an own notification, you first need to create a HTML template that will be used as the notification body. The template must be located in the following path:


In this example, I create the file MyNotification.html

You can use the following objects in your template:

  • {registration}
  • {event}
  • {settings}
  • {hmac}
  • {reghmac}
  • {customNotification}

After you created the notification template, you have to configure the new notification in the TypoScript settings of the admin module.:

module.tx_sfeventmgt {
  settings {
    notification {
      customNotifications {
        myNotification {
          title = A title for the notification
          template = MyNotification.html
          subject = A subject for the email

After configuring the new notification to the TypoScript settings, you can use it to notifiy participants of the event.

Selecting the recipients of custom notifications

If you want to send a custom notification only to a selected group of recipients (e.g. those who actually have paid for the event), you can use the “constraints” setting to limit the recipients.:

module.tx_sfeventmgt {
  settings {
    notification {
      customNotifications {
        myNotification {
          title = A title for the notification
          template = MyNotification.html
          subject = A subject for the email
          constraints {
            paid.equals = 1

Using the example above, only those participants will receive an email where the field “paid” equals with “1”.

You can use the following conditions

  • equals
  • lessThan
  • lessThanOrEqual
  • greaterThan
  • greaterThanOrEqual

You may also combine the conditions like shown below::

module.tx_sfeventmgt {
  settings {
    notification {
      customNotifications {
        myNotification {
          title = A title for the notification
          template = MyNotification.html
          subject = A subject for the email
          constraints {
            paid.equals = 1
            confirmed.equals = 1

Note, that combined conditions are always combined with a logical AND statement, so custom notifications with the example settings from above will be sent to all participants, who have paid and confirmed to the event.

Also note, that the usage of conditions like shown above are rudimentary and does not cover all scenarios.