Special Getters

Some domain objects contain special getters which are used in templates to avoid complex fluid conditions.


The Event-Object has the following special getters

Getter: Description:
{event.registrationPossible} Returns, if registration for the event is possible. This getter respects if registration is enabled, if max. participants is configured/reached, if registration deadline is configured/reached and if registration deadline / event startdate is reached.
{event.freePlaces} Returns the amount of free places for an event
{event.activePriceOptions} Returns all active price options sorted by date ASC
{event.currentPrice} Returns the current price of the event respecting possible price options
{event.cancellationPossible} Returns, if cancellation for registrations of the event is possible
{event.registrationFieldsUids} Returns an array with registration field uids
{event.registrations} Special getter to return the amount of registrations that are saved to default language
{event.registrationsWaitlist} Special getter to return the amount of waitlist registrations that are saved to default language
{event.endsSameDay} Returns if the event ends on the same day