Configurable reCAPTCHA field

It is possible to add a reCAPTCHA v2 field in the registration form. If configured, it is only possible to submit the form when the captcha is “solved”. reCAPTCHA sometimes just works by checking a checkbox, but it does also often ask user to identify objects of a larger image.


reCAPTCHA does only work with valid Google API credentials. To obtain API credentials, you need a Google Account. Once you registered for the reCAPTCHA service, you will get 2 keys (site key and secret key) which must be added to the TypoScript settings (constants) of sf_event_mgt

TypoScript Constants:

plugin.tx_sfeventmgt {
  settings {
    reCaptcha {
      siteKey = <your-site-key>
      secretKey = <your-secret-key>


You should evaluate, if the usage of a reCAPTCHA field is inline with local laws (e.g. privacy concerns due to GDPR)