Administrator Manual


  • Install the extension via extension manager.
  • Add the static template in your main typoscript (go to: list module, edit your TS template, tab: includes, add one of the static templates named “beautyOfCode”).
  • Depending on your configuration you must add the jQuery core file yourself.


Enable syntax highlighting (install EXT: t3editor) in BE by using enable_t3editor option.


Which version to choose?

This extension ships with two syntax highlighting libraries.

Choose either SyntaxHighlighter which supports lazyloading of the necessary CSS and JS files after the DOM ready event has fired. It runs standalone using an autoloading feature.

Prism is also a standalone library without any dependencies. There are some benefits and disadvantages by using each version:


  • runs without using a JavaScript framework
  • uses latest version of SyntaxHighlighter
  • slim and less feature rich (but with almost the same functionality)


  • runs without using a JavaScript framework
  • based on regular expressions for syntax parsing
  • syntax files has dependencies with each other (php → clike)
  • lightweight

Input is encoded and saved without “<”, “>”, etc.

This is a server side problem within PHP 5 respective in the libxml module (1.6.32 and higher) with an existing work around.

_Please note: this issue is no longer relevant in version 3.x_


Add this line in your localconf.php in typo3conf directory.

$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['flexformForceCDATA']  = '1';

This fix is non breaking and works only for new added elements. Older flexform values should / could be fixed manually. This is a recommended default setting for every TYPO3 installation (see mailing list why).


Mailingslist Post:

[TYPO3-dev] A ticking ticking timebomb with libxml update to 2.7.1?

I don’t like my users to overwrite my default TS configuration

Take a look at the extension sp_betterflex: “Exclude static flexform fields made by extensions like normal table fields in backend group configuration or via TSConfig.”

Install the extension and add these lines to your TSconfig:

TCEFORM.tt_content.beautyofcode_cGutter.disabled = 1
TCEFORM.tt_content.beautyofcode_cCollapse.disabled = 1

“Missing Ext. Manager configuration” error in FE

You forgot to save the extension manager configuration. Please go to Extension Manager → beautyOfCode → click Update

“t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule()” error in BE

This error could look like this:

PHP Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule() must be an array, null given, called in /html/typo3/typo3_src-4.4.2/typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/class.tx_rtehtmlareaapi.php on line 80 and defined in /html/typo3/typo3_src-4.4.2/t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php line 2059

This issue was already patched but seems to be introduced again in specific TYPO3 version. Some kind of regression I guess. Sadly Im not able to reproduce the issue and it even seems to be an Core / RTE problem, so please take a look at these bugtracker issues which should help you to solve the problem:

Enable t3editor in BE

You need to enable the enable_t3editor option in Extension Manager and check your user settings.

“TypeError: lang is undefined” when using PRISM

This JavaScript console error is caused by wrong order or missing language component files. Some Prism languages depend on each other and need to be added in correct order. Please check your TypoScript. Take a look in the Prism component JS files to check language dependencies.

No highlighting in FE

If you’re using the SyntaxHighlighter library, and decided to make usage of the includeAsDomReady setting set to “jquery”, you must ensure to either install the extension t3jquery and compile a suitable jQuery libary on your own or include a jQuery core file by yourself. You need to add the jQuery Core file manually.

I get a Java-Script error in FE

See above.

Do you use other JavaScript frameworks? Please see down below.

I’m using MooTools, ExtJS or similar

No problem, the generated inline javascript code uses the module pattern and therefore doesn’t need the noConflict option to be set.

Please note and keep in mind if jQuery must be loaded (minified about 56KB) this will lead to more traffic and less performance for your users.

How to change language strings

Adjust the templates according to your needs. Please follow the Fluid templating guides for how to use your own templates for a specific extension.

Also have a look at the following article:

Where to post improvements or bugs

Please feel free add questions, bugs and improvements at

Problems with line numbering and line highlighting in Prism

There was a bug in Prism which prevented proper line numbering and line highlighting. This issue should be fixed in beautyofcode v 3.0.0 as we updated PrimsJS. For more information please head over to the corresponding github issue entry. To ensure proper functionality, you must provide the markup brush after the php Prism component/brush (like in the default configuration).

SyntaxHighlighter 4.x

SyntaxHighlighter is available as 4.x now, but it seems the new version is no longer dynamic when it comes to brushes, themes, etc and needs a built process using Gulp.