Configuration Reference

Feel free to use the constant editor (go to: module template, root page, constant editor, beautyofcode) to edit this settings. Add a Typoscript template to overwrite these settings at any point in your sitetree(s).

TypoScript Reference


Property Data type stdWrap Default
baseUrl string no EXT:beautyofcode/Resources/Public/Javascript/vendor/syntax_highlighter/v2/
scripts string no scripts/
styles string no styles/
includeAsDomReady boolean   false
brushes string no Xml,JScript,CSharp,Plain
theme string no Default
showLabel boolean   1 integer   4
defaults.gutter boolean   1
defaults.collapse boolean   0

Property details


plugin.tx_beautyofcode.settings.baseUrl = string

Enter path to the resources directory by using EXT: or FILE: or absolute path (…/res/). Make sure the relative paths res/ and styles/ exists.

Leave empty to use online repository. If you use online repository you shall not edit settings styles and scripts. More info about online hosting see:


plugin.tx_beautyofcode.settings.scripts = string

Path to syntax highlighter core file and to the brushes (Java-Script files), relative to the baseUrl. Leave empty or default when using online repository.


plugin.tx_beautyofcode.settings.styles = string

Path to syntax highlighter css files (css themes), relative to the baseUrl. Leave empty or default when using online repository.


plugin.tx_beautyofcode.settings.includeAsDomReady = boolean

If using standalone version it’s possible to add a JS domReady instead of injecting the code at the bottom of the body. Useful when using minification scripts. Possible options: false, jquery or standalone


plugin.tx_beautyofcode.settings.brushes = string

Loaded programming languages: Define which programming languages should be available. Less is more: every brush is lazy loaded a single js file.

SyntaxHighlighter: Add a separated list out of: AS3, Bash, ColdFusion, Cpp, CSharp, Css, Delphi, Diff, Erlang, Groovy, Java, JavaFX, JScript, Perl, Php, PowerShell, Python, Ruby, Sass, Scala, Typoscript, Sql, Vb, Xml, Yaml.

Prism: Add a separated list out of: actionscript, applescript, bash, c, clike, coffeescript, cpp, csharp, css, css-extras, diff, erlang, gherkin, git, go, groovy, http, java, javascript, less, markdown, markup, powershell, php, php-extras, plain, python, ruby, sass, scala, scss, sql, twig, typoscript, yaml.

There are much more brushed available for Prism. You might want to extend the brushes files bundled with this extension.

Prism Note: Prism uses its brushes in a dependency manner. For example the clike brush is necessary to load before php`(and therefore must be defined *before* `php in the brushes configuration.


plugin.tx_beautyofcode.settings.theme = string

Define a theme (which is basically a CSS file). Following themes are avaiable:

SyntaxHighlighter: Default, Django, Eclipse, Emacs, FadeToGrey, FelixNagelv3 (which is dark minimal), MDUltra, Midnight, RDark.

Prism: coy, okaidia, dark, funky, okaidia, solarizedlight, tomorrow, twilight.


plugin.tx_beautyofcode.settings.showLabel = boolean

If set to false the label is hidden. = integer

Specify a tabulator size. Tabulator chars will be changed to spaces.


plugin.tx_beautyofcode.settings.defaults.gutter = boolean

Show or hide gutter. Helps user to recognize correct line.


plugin.tx_beautyofcode.settings.defaults.collapse = boolean

Allows you to force highlighted elements on the page to be collapsed. A link “show source” is displayed instead (not customizable yet). Not available in Prism.