
What does it do?

It provides a layer for support of other core databases (DBMS) in TYPO3 than the default database support based on MySQL. Further, each layer can be selected on a per-table basis, thus offering storage of content from TYPO3 in multiple databases and multiple formats.

The support is possible through the well known PHP database API ADOdb. The extension also supports any user-defined layer you can make yourself thus offering unlimited possibilities for connectivity.

Technical details

This extension works by overriding class \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\DatabaseConnection in order to parse query and rebuild them in a way compatible with multiple RDBMS.

Without the DBAL extension installed TYPO3 CMS works as usual and with virtually no overhead in database connectivity. DBAL offers support for other databases than MySQL at the cost of parsing and rewriting queries.

Working databases

The following databases have been tested and are known to work in general. This means, not every aspect has been thoroughly checked, but TYPO3 has been installed from scratch successfully, BE logins are possible, and basic websites can be created (template, pages, content elements):

  • MySQL 5.x
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000
  • PostgreSQL 7.x and 8.x
  • Oracle 8, 9, 10 and 11
  • Firebird 1.5.2