For Administrators


There are several ways to require and install this extension. We recommend to get this extension via composer.

Via Composer

If your TYPO3 instance is running in composer mode, you can simply require the extension by running:

composer req leuchtfeuer/auth0

Via Extension Manager

Open the extension manager module of your TYPO3 instance and select "Get Extensions" in the select menu above the upload button. There you can search for auth0 and simply install the extension. Please make sure you are using the latest version of the extension by updating the extension list before installing the Auth0 extension.

Via ZIP File

You need to download the Auth0 extension from the TYPO3 Extension Repository and upload the zip file to the extension manager of your TYPO3 instance and activate the extension afterwards.

Global Configuration

You have to add following parameters to the $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['cacheHash']['excludedParameters'] configuration: code, state, error_description and error. On the first installation, the extension will do that for you.

Access Rights

You need to allow editors to modify the record type (Tables (modify)). Editors can create or update plugins when they are allowed to modify the page content type Insert Plugin and the page content plugin Auth0: Login form. Also they may have - at least reading (Tables (listing)) - access to the Application table.

If your editors should be able to create, update or delete application records, they must be permitted to modify the corresponding tables Application . Only the hidden property of both records is marked as excluded field.

Access rights

In this example the editor group is allowed to see (list) the application record.

Scheduler Task

There is one scheduler task available which takes care of inactive or removed Auth0 users. Please notice that this task affects only TYPO3 backend users (for now).

Please take a look at the command section.


All critical errors will be logged into a dedicated logfile which is located in the TYPO3 log directory (e.g. var/logs) and contains the phrase auth0 in its name. If you want to increase the loglevel, you must overwrite the log configuration, for example like this:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['LOG']['Bitmotion']['Auth0'] = [
    'writerConfiguration' => [
        \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\LogLevel::DEBUG => [
            \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\FileWriter::class => [
                'logFileInfix' => 'auth0',

For further configuration options and more examples take a look at the official TYPO3 documentation.