Version 3.3.0 - 2020/06/15

This is a feature release. It contains a lot of bug fixes and necessary changes since website users without an usergroup will no longer be logged in. Unlike previously announced, the change of the configuration of TypoScript to a separate backend module introduces further deprecations. Anyhow, these deprecations affect the TypoScript configuration only.


Download this version from the TYPO3 extension repository or from GitHub.


  • PSR-14 event Bitmotion\Auth0\Event\RedirectPreProcessingEvent which will replace the now deprecated $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_userauth.php']['auth0']['redirect_pre_processing'] hook
  • Settings.yaml file for listening to PSR-14 events in TYPO3 v10
  • Event listener for adding parameters to $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['cacheHash']['excludedParameters']
  • Dedicated backend module for handling data mapping and applications
  • TypoScript constant for application storage page: module.tx_auth0.persistence.storagePid


  • Backend TypoScript is now separated from the frontend TypoScript settings. The module.auth0 does not need to extend plugin.tx_auth0


  • Hook $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_userauth.php']['auth0']['redirect_pre_processing'] is now deprecated and will be removed with next major version. You should use the newly introduced PSR-14 Event where possible
  • Using signal afterExtensionInstall of class TYPO3\CMS\Extensionmanager\Utility\InstallUtility
  • Following TypoScript settings are now deprecated: plugin.tx_auth0.settings.roles, plugin.tx_auth0.settings.propertyMapping and plugin.tx_auth0.settings.backend. You should use the newly introduced backend module instead
  • Class ConfigurationUtility is deprecated since TypoScript will only be used in controllers
  • Several TypoScript related methods, constants and properties of class UpdateUtility

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release:

2020-06-15 [TASK] Remove obsolete @throw annotations (Commit a51aa0c by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-15 [DOC] Add documentation for backend module (Commit 7a0be3b by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-15 [TASK] Show configuration only if necessarry (Commit 95f2b2a by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-15 [TASK] Apply CS (Commit becb81a by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-15 [WIP][DOC] Add documentation for new features (Commit 86a835f by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-15 [TASK] Show hint if there are no applications (Commit abe9c58 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-15 [BUGFIX] Use proper method name (Commit d8d4234 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-15 [BUGFIX] Use proper constant for stylesheet (Commit a239d64 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-15 [TASK] Mark ConfigurationUtility as deprecated (Commit 810dee5 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-15 [TASK] Access settings directly (Commit b04d08a by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-12 [DOC] Kickstart documentation of backend module (Commit b33b7ac by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-12 [TASK] Restructure backend TypoScript (Commit a59302d by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-12 [DOC] Add deprecation hints (Commit a0fb447 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-12 [DOC][BUGFIX] Use proper code block syntax (Commit 5efa8a6 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-12 [TASK] Rename method (Commit c567f84 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-12 [TASK] Mark obsolete TS parsing methods as deprecated (Commit aaed22a by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-12 [TASK] Use constants for metadata (Commit 655d4b1 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-11 [BUGFIX] Reintroduce language label for new application button (Commit 45539ab by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-11 [BUGFIX] Add controller name to return URL (Commit fb3c167 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-10 [DOC] Update migration guide (Commit 92f7f7d by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-10 [DOC] Update layout (Commit cc9d0f2 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-10 [DOC] Add image for migration (Commit f32b518 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-10 [DOC] Add migration guide (Commit 6488b23 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-10 [TASK] Use existing property (Commit 443acf4 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-10 [BUGFIX] Disable logging (Commit ea23555 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-10 [TASK] Mark classes as final (Commit 509c427 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-10 [FEATURE] Introduce module for property mapping (Commit 2df082a by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-09 [BUGFIX][DOC] Spelling (Commit 716d9cc by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-09 [TASK] Add application list to backend module (Commit 8207b5f by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-08 [TASK] Load roles key from TypoScript configuration (Commit de408ff by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-08 [TASK] Try to load defaults from TCA (Commit 381c9e3 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-08 [TASK] Assign default backend role only if user is not an admin (Commit da6b017 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-08 [BUGFIX] Assign default properties to new backend users (Commit d8e6c58 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-08 [TASK] Assign admin flag even if no TypoScript exists (Commit 882a0ee by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-08 [TASK] Add german translations for new features (Commit 5ea89d2 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-08 [TASK] Restructrue roles view (Commit 8f4ac09 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-08 [TASK] Update labels (Commit 380aaf0 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-08 [TASK] Allow to import admin flag (Commit b8b2311 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-08 [BUGFIX] Use proper values (Commit 93d05cd by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-08 [TASK] Allow to set default groups and admin roles (Commit fd14f5c by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-08 [BUGFIX] Get rid of EXT:redirects middleware override (Commit 2ca8345 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-08 [FEATURE] Add german translations (Commit 1972097 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-06 [TASK] Allow to import TS settings (Commit 72bef43 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-05 [TASK] Add labels for module (Commit 6dbd90f by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-05 [FEATURE] Add GUI for be_groups mapping (Commit f40dd64 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-05 [FEATURE] Introduce dedicated backend module for handling group mapping (Commit ddaf0b4 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-05 [TASK] Improve logging for debug purposes (Commit 6e686bc by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-05 [TASK] Adapt php CS to TYPO3 defaults (Commit 238b3b1 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-05 [TASK] Use constants (Commit 6bf10fd by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-04 [TASK] Raise version to 3.3.0-dev (Commit 57a861d by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-04 [TASK] Add event for TYPO3 v10 (Commit 2b8d70c by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-04 [TASK] Apply CS (Commit c65f6fc by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-04 [TASK] Update funding file (Commit 6ffa5db by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-04 [TASK] Introduce event listener for TYPO3 v10 (Commit 5c01b2c by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-04 [BUGFIX] Show plugin preview even if BE login is disabled (Commit bd6344d by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-04 [TASK] Set version to 3.2.3-dev (Commit 6a9c21b by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-04 [TASK] Import parent class (Commit 3f29acc by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-04 [TASK] Minify SVG (Commit 2b71912 by Florian Wessels)
2020-06-03 [DOC] Update version (Commit dca6f27 by Florian Wessels)