Redirect Verdict
The redirect verdict redirects the user to a specific page in a specific language. So that the check does not have to be repeated for each page access, the result can be cached in the user's session.
The configuration for sessionhandling, override
and override
can also be made directly as a root configuration:
Language ID
- Property
- config.tx_locate.verdicts.[name].sys_language
- Data type
- integer
- Default
- unset
- Description
- The ID of the language the user should be redirected to.
Page ID
- Property
- config.tx_locate.verdicts.[name].page
- Data type
- integer
- Default
- unset
- Description
- The ID of the page the user should be redirected to. If unset, the user will stay on the current page or will be redirected to an other language version of the current page.
- Property
- config.tx_locate.verdicts.[name].url
- Data type
- string
- Default
- unset
- Description
- This option only applies if no information has been entered for both sys-language-functions-assignlanguage-verdicts-redirect-configuration-languageid-and-refpage <functions-assignLanguage-verdicts-redirect-configuration-pageId>`. The user is then redirected to this configured URL.
Session Handling
- Property
- config.tx_locate.verdicts.[name].sessionHandling
- Data type
- integer
- Default
- Description
- If this option is enabled, the verdict will be saved in a session and will not be evaluated again.
Override Session Value
- Property
- config.tx_locate.verdicts.[name].overrideSessionValue
- Data type
- integer
- Default
- Description
- If this option is enabled, it is possible to overwrite the verdict stored in the session. For this, a URL query parameter is mandatory.
Override Query Parameter
- Property
- config.tx_locate.verdicts.[name].overrideQueryParameter
- Data type
- string
- Default
Lang - Description
- If session overwriting is enabled and this parameter is present in the URL, the session data will be overwritten with
the current request. Thus, it is possible for a user who was originally directed to the English language version to be
directed to the German language version of the page e.g. by clicking in the language menu. The language menu must then
generate all links with the query parameter attached (
). The value of the parameter does not matter.Lang
Allow Fallback
- Property
- config.tx_locate.verdicts.[name].allowFallback
- Data type
- integer
- Default
- Description
- If the option is enabled, redirection to a non-localized page is allowed. In this case, the page is accessed under the corresponding language URL, even if it does not exist. The displayed content corresponds to the defined fallback page of your site configuration.
config.tx_locate {
sessionHandling = 1
overrideSessionValue = 1
verdicts {
# Redirect the user to the default language version of the current page
redirectToPageEN = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect
redirectToPageEN {
sys_language = 0
# Redirect the user to the default language version of page 29
redirectToPageUS = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect
redirectToPageUS {
sys_language = 0
page = 29
# Redirect the user to the default language version of page 29 and disable session handling
redirectToPageUSNC = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect
redirectToPageUSNC {
sys_language = 0
page = 29
sessionHandling = 0
# Redirect the user to a specific URL
redirectToPageXX = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect
redirectToPageXX {
url =