Language menu on calendarize detail pages

If a language menu is rendered on a detail page and the languages are configured to use a strict mode, the following snippet helps you to setup a proper menu. If no translation exists, the property available is set to false - just as if the current page is not translated.


20 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\LanguageMenuProcessor
20 {
   languages = auto
   as = languageNavigation
21 = HDNET\Calendarize\DataProcessing\DisableLanguageMenuProcessor
21 {
   menus = languageNavigation

The property menus is a comma-separated list of MenuProcessor.

If a language menu is rendered on a detail page and the languages are configured to use a strict mode this data processor can be used:

If no translation exists, the property available in the LanguageMenuProcessor is set to false - just as if the current page is not translated.